Interesting facts about Australia

🗓️ On This Day - January 26th

January 26th is a day notable for many different historical firsts, and no doubt plenty of you out there are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries! If you’ve headed here to find out who you share your birthday with, or to check up on historic events from years gone by, you’re in for a treat. Keep reading for our complete rundown on January 26th!

On this day

flag of Australia

Europeans make their home in Australia.

It was on January 26th 1788 that European visitors are said to have first made their homes Down Under - as the “first fleet” arriving into Sydney contained British passengers looking to spread their wings overseas.


Franco takes Barcelona.

Through ongoing conflicts during the Spanish Civil War, General Franco and his nationalist forces took hold of the city of Barcelona, as republicans continued to fight against King Alfonso XIII. This notable event took place on January 26th, back in 1939. The conflict would go on to take more than a million people’s lives.

A pink diamond

Shiny, shiny!

It was on January 26th 1905 that South African miners uncovered what’s still believed to be the biggest diamond ever unearthed. The Cullinan Diamond, as it became known, is said to be worth more than $2 billion - and it weighs more than 3,100 carats! What a birthday gift that would be…!

Facts of New Delhi

India celebrated its first Republic Day.

On January 26th 1950, India gained independence from British rule. Dr. Rajendra Prasad took an oath for office, having worked closely with the legendary Mahatma Gandhi. Despite having gained independence, both India and the UK have a fairly close relationship in many ways.

Bil Clinton on stage in front on the USA Flag, speaking to the crowd

Bill Clinton denies the Lewinsky affair.

In a TV moment that remains iconic of the decade, it was on January 26th 1998 that then-US President Bill Clinton would remark that he did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. The Lewinsky scandal would lead to Clinton’s impeachment, though he would remain in office until the end of his second term.

Special Days Falling on January 26th

If it’s your birthday or anniversary today, congratulations! Here are a few more reasons to remember January 26th.
fun facts about teeth

Dental Drill Appreciation Day

Ok - so, no one likes being on the receiving end of a dentist’s drill! However, without it, we’d be in a lot of trouble. Today is apparently a great day to appreciate dentists and their tools - and honestly, getting an occasional cavity filled is much more appealing than putting up with endless toothache…

flag of Australia

Australia Day

January 26th marks Australia Day, the nation’s official day. It marks the first landing of European settlers into the country, as noted above! The day tends to be celebrated with family gatherings and large displays - and why not?

a romantic kiss

National Spouses Day

Hopefully a bit less painful is National Spouses Day - a great opportunity to show him or her in your life how much they mean to you. Say it with flowers, chocolates, or some kindly chosen words - it’s entirely your call!

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

Early January played host to a major insurrection on US soil as rioters stormed the US Capitol in 2021, in protest of Joe Biden having won the Presidency over incumbent Donald Trump in the November prior. To this day, those found to have been taking part in the Capitol attack are still facing prosecution, and Trump and his allies have also come under further scrutiny. The event led to Twitter removing Trump from the social network on grounds of inciting violence, until he was reinstated in 2022 (following Elon Musk’s takeover).

Famous Birthdays on January 26th

Douglas MacArthur, American general, born 1880

Paul Newman, American actor, born 1925

Jose Mourinho, Portuguese soccer manager, born 1963

Sergio Perez, Mexican Formula One driver, born 1990

Sasha Banks, American wrestler, born 1992

facts about Aquarius

If you were born on January 26th…

You’re certainly an Aquarius! That makes you a bit of a deep thinker. You’re not afraid to push boundaries in the name of finding solutions. However, you’re also a very fair person, and want to express empathy through all that you do. People generally thank you for it!

Check out our fact page on Aquarius to learn more about your Zodiac sign.

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