World Hippo Day

🗓️ On This Day - February 15th

Whether you’re marking today with a wine and chocolate hangover, or are celebrating a special event of your own on February 15th, there are plenty of great reasons to remember this date in the calendar. Below, we’ll take you through some famous birthdays, big historic events, and a few special reasons why you may wish to celebrate today.

On this day

The US Maine

The US Maine was destroyed.

The destruction of a battleship known as the USS Maine resulted in the deaths of a reported 260 people on board - and the event would lead to the start of the Spanish-American War. This occurred on February 15th 1898 - and it’s an event that would be marked by Cuba striving to run independently from Spain.

On This Day in History - FDR - February 15th

FDR avoided assassination.

On February 15th 1933, US President Franklin D Roosevelt narrowly avoided being shot - sadly, it was then-Chicago Mayor, Anton Cermak, who received the bullet instead. He’d die from the injury just three weeks later.

Facts about Canada

A new leaf!

Canada’s iconic maple leaf flag isn’t as old as many people probably give it credit for being. It’s actually on February 15th 1965 that the nation first adopted the iconic red and white sigil, and the rest - as they always say - is very much history!

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali finally fell.

Largely regarded (thanks to his own moniker) as the “Greatest of All Time”, legendary heavyweight boxer Muhammad Ali was knocked off his title perch by Leon Spinks on February 15th 1978, claiming the worldwide heavyweight title. Even the greats have bad days, it seems!

Soviets leaving Afghanistan - On this day in History - Feb 15th

The Soviets leave Afghanistan

Continuing a run of major changes at the top of the Russian government, then-President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev declared that the Soviet Union would finally be leaving Afghanistan for good, having occupied the region with its military for the past decade.

Special Days Falling on February 15th

Despite just appearing to be the day after Valentines, February 15th has a few special accolades of its own beyond the historic moments we’ve touched on above. Here are just three for you to tuck into…
Facts about Hippos

World Hippo Day

This majestic giant doesn’t get enough interest - while deadly, the hippo remains one of the planet’s best-loved mammals. This gargantuan, water-dwelling beast is quicker than it looks - and believe it or not, they’re also related to dolphins! Today’s the day to recognise these big, wonderful beasts in all their glory.

Singles Awareness Day

Singles Awareness Day

Also known to many as Singles Appreciation Day, February 15th is seen as something of a celebration for all those who may not get all the glory on February 14th. It’s an important date for many to establish that being single is no longer seen as a disadvantage - many people choose to be partnerless for reasons of freedom and enjoying their own company.

National Gumdrop Day

National Gumdrop Day

Yes, believe it or not, mid February gets even sweeter - your dentist may not advise you to celebrate it, but February 15th is the perfect day to enjoy a few gumdrops if you can. These multicolor sweet treats are enjoyed by kids and adults all over the world - give a few a chew!

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

The Sahara Desert saw snow for the very first time! Believe it or not, the hot arid land finally saw snow precipitation in mid-February 1979. This wouldn’t occur again until at least 2016… a sure sign of global warming, perhaps! The 1979 storm saw snow falling for at least 30 minutes. Some areas of the US are lucky to sustain that kind of coverage!

Famous Birthdays on February 15th

Galileo Galilei, Italian astronomer, born 1564

Susan B Anthony, American women’s rights crusader, born 1820

Sir Ernest Shackleton, Irish explorer, born 1874

Matt Groening, Cartoonist and creator of “The Simpsons”, born 1954

Megan Thee Stallion, American musician, born 1995

facts about Aquarius

If you were born on February 15th…

You’re certainly an Aquarius! Aquarians are creative, empathetic, and love their own company. However, they can make great leaders, and are some of the deepest thinkers in the Western Zodiac. As such, many people turn to an Aquarian or two when they need some form of support with life’s ups and downs!

Want to know more about your star sign? Take a look at our complete fact file on Aquarius.

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