john lennon

On This Day - December 8th

It's the eighth day on your advent calendar, and we commend you for not giving in and eating all your chocolate at once! But, if you did, we completely get it. But, instead of jumping December 8th outside of your advent calendar, we would like for you to take the time to appreciate this great date and all it has to bring. For example…

On this day

facts about USA

The Amnesty Proclamation was issued.

On this day back in 1863, then-US President Abraham Lincoln officially issued the Amnesty Proclamation – which would establish a plan to help reconstruct the nation post-slavery while honoring the US Constitution.

Clifton Suspension Bridge

The Clifton Suspension Bridge opened.

In 1864, the Clifton Suspension Bridge, designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel, finally opened in Bristol, England. Tragically, the bridge opened five years after his death.

Nuclear weapons were banned from space!

As bizarre an event as it might sound, today in 1966, the US and USSR signed a famous treaty to prohibit the use of nuclear weapons in outer space. This was during the Cold War when nuclear weapons were a very dangerous threat on Earth alone – but the so-called "Star Wars" agreement would keep these weapons Earthbound.

John and Yoko

Annie Leibovitz took a photo of John Lennon.

While it might not sound like a huge event, photographer Leibovitz took a photo of ex-Beatle John Lennon today back in 1980 – it would be his last. Lennon was brutally murdered the same day.

Peru facts

The Cusco Declaration was signed.

In 2004, the Cusco Declaration was signed in Cuzco, Peru. The declaration officially established the Union of South American Nations.

Special Days Falling on December 8th

As much as we all tend to focus on our own celebrations in December, it is important to remember that around the world, others are celebrating their own special days. Here are some of the biggest events taking place around the world today.
Facts of Japan

Bodhi Day

Japan marks Bodhi Day every December 8th, otherwise known as Rohatsu to citizens. It’s a day of spiritual reflection and celebration that’s actually moved dates over the years thanks to Japan moving to the Gregorian calendar during its “Westernization.” It’s an important occasion for practicing Buddhists to reflect on the Four Noble Truths. Many people celebrating today will decorate trees, too.

Facts of Albania

National Youth Day

December 8th also marks National Youth Day for people in Albania – because it marks the 1990s student protests against then-Dictator Enver Hoxha. Students from the university named after the leader would march and demand political reform – the number of protestors grew to 3,000 over the course of just three days! The event has gone down as pivotal in the rebuilding of Albania’s establishment.

Facts of Guam

Santa Marian Kamalen Day

Guam also has cause to celebrate today, as Santa Marian Kamalen Day marks an important spiritual occasion for citizens. It’s a day that meets the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, with the Virgin Mary and the wood and ivory image of Our Lady of Camarin receiving praise from thousands. The celebrations today typically start around midday, as people gather outside the Cathedral Basilica. There’s typically a procession that takes place after spiritual practice.

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

In 1940, during the Blitz, German aircraft dropped thousands of bombs on the centre of London. In doing so, they caused the worst fire damage since the great fire of 1666.

Famous Birthdays on December 8th

Mary, Queen of Scots, Queen of Scotland, born 1542

Maria Josepha of Austria, Queen consort of Poland, born 1699

Sammy Davis, Jr., “Mr. Show Business,” born 1925

Jim Morrison, American rock star, born 1943

Ian Somerhalder, American actor, born 1978

interesting facts about Sagittarius

If you were born on December 8th


…you’re a Sagittarius! You can be a bit like an onion. There’s a lot of layers there! And, it can take some time for someone to really get to know you. But, once they do, they’re likely to enjoy your company all the more.

It takes a bit of time to really get stuck into star signs, so don’t just take this paragraph or two as gospel.


Learn more about Sagittarius from our Sagittarius facts page!

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