person with disability

On This Day - December 3rd

By December 3rd, holiday music is usually thumping out everywhere, town lights are all up, and people tend to feel a bit jollier! But, December isn’t all about holiday cheer. Here are some of the most important things to have taken place on this December day, December 3rd.

On this day

England said hello to the potato.

No, really! In 1586, Sir Thomas Herriot introduced potatoes to England from Colombia. They have been a staple in English cuisine ever since – and no, it wasn’t Sir Walter Raleigh who brought them back – he in fact introduced them to Ireland.

flag of Australia

The Eureka Stockade took place.

In 1854, the Eureka Stockade took place, during which more than 20 Ballarat gold miners in Victoria were killed by troopers of state in an uprising over mining licenses. It is said to have been the birth of Australian democracy.

heart transplant

The first-ever human heart transplant took place.n

In 1967, Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the world’s first-ever human heart transplant – the lucky recipient was Louis Washansky. It’s a procedure that’s been repeated many, many times since – amazing that we can transplant such crucial organs between people!

Cold War Facts

The Cold War came to an end.

In 1989, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and US President George H. W. Bush declared that the Cold War was over. It had begun back in 1947. However, tensions between Russia and the US have persisted since that time – that said, this moment marked an end to a bitter stalemate that terrified millions.

Margherita Pizza

Space had a party

In 2017, the first-ever pizza party in space was held by astronauts of the International Space Station. At least they didn’t have to worry about junk food affecting their weight up there!

Special Days Falling on December 3rd

This December 3rd, take a step away from all the standard festivals you’re used to, and focus on some of the biggest events you may have never heard of taking place around the world today!
facts about Spain

Day of Navarre

December 3rd is extremely important for certain people of Spain – the Day of Navarre remembers the passing of St. Francis Xavier. Celebrated only in Navarre, it’s a public holiday that sees businesses and organizations close, and all kinds of parades take place across the region.

st francis xavier

Feast of St. Francis Xavier

Beyond Navarre, people all over the world recognize St. Francis Xavier on December 3rd on his very own feast day. Xavier worked tirelessly as a Christian missionary across Asia and Europe. To this day, his body lies in state at the Basilica of Born Jesus over in Goa – a UNESCO Heritage site. It remains a popular pilgrimage site for many people who follow Christianity and who want to show gratitude for St. Francis’ work.

person with disability

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Every December 3rd is also International Day of Persons with Disabilities! The day is meant to encourage people to focus on the challenges faced by people living with disabilities every single day. It is a day dedicated to people with both mental and physical disabilities and encourages us all to work harder to ensure that all people in the world have access to equal opportunities.

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

In 1947, King Michael of Romania was forced to abdicate after the Communists seized power. The country would technically remain a socialist republic until 1989.

Famous Birthdays on December 3rd

Nicolo Amati, Italian violin maker, born 1596

Andy Williams, American crooner, born 1927

Ozzy Osbourne, English rockstar, born 1948

Daryl Hannah, American actor, born 1960

Brendan Fraser, American actor, born 1968

interesting facts about Sagittarius

If you were born on December 3rd


…you’re a Sagittarius! You’re smart, funny, friendly, and adventurous. And, boy, do you love to talk about it! You can be a bit boastful, but, to be fair, look at you. We’d boast too in your shoes.

However, we really can’t do you much justice in this tiny paragraph. It’s a good job, then, that we have stacks of facts about what makes you tick.


Learn more about Sagittarius from our Sagittarius facts page!

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