On This Day - August 21st
August is very slowly coming to an end, but if you’re lamenting the end of sunshine (or the chill if you’re in the southern hemisphere), there’s still plenty left to learn about this fabulous month. Below, we’ve collected a stack of facts about August 21st, and if it’s your birthday, you can also check who shares your special day with you! Let’s get started…
On this day

Sultan Mustafa II lost his power.
In 1703, the Edirne Event took place, during which the Turkish army removed Sultan Mustafa II from his position as leader. In so doing, they lessened the power of the Sultans, though his brother, Ahmed III, assumed the title following his exile.

A Swedish King enacted a coup d’état!
In 1772, King Gustav III of Sweden completed a spectacular coup d'état by adopting a new Constitution and making himself an enlightened despot. In doing so, he ended 50 years of parliamentary rule!

Math just got a whole lot easier!
Remember calculators? Check your smartphone, you have one! In 1888, American inventor William Seward Burroughs patented the adding machine. Without him, we’d still be using fingers and toes to work out our taxes… a big moment for modern society, that’s for sure!

The Mona Lisa went missing!
In 1911, the world-famous painting Mona Lisa, by Leonardo Da Vinci, was stolen from the Louvre by Vincenzo Perugia! It was eventually recovered in 1913, and it’s remained in the Paris gallery ever since.

No coup for you!
In 1991, a conservative coup in the Soviet Union was crushed in only three days by popular resistance. It was part of what became known as the August Coup, and led to a tip in the balance of power between Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin, despite the attempt ultimately failing to remove the former from power.
Special Days Falling on August 21st
August 21st is a date we also take to commemorate those we’ve lost, and look to cultural holidays all around the world. Here are some of the most important events taking place today around the globe.
International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism
Every year, on August 21st, people worldwide take the time to remember those whose lives have been lost and changed by terrorism. Many people all over the world have been affected by acts of terrorism, having lost loved ones and their homes – and it's an important day, too, to honor those families affected who remain brave in the face of horrific attacks.

Ninoy Aquino Day
Today also marks an important date in Filipino history – August 21st has been celebrated every year since 2004 with the idea of honoring Ninoy Aquino, a much-respected Filipino senator who was assassinated at the airport that now bears his name in tribute. He was murdered on this day in 1983.

Internet Self-Care Day
As wide and as wonderful as the internet can be, it can also be very detrimental to our health. We see visions of the world that are not real in any sense – but fake news and social media bias can impact negatively on our mental health regardless. That is why it is so important to practice self-care – be sure to take breaks from scrolling through social media today, and take steps to always challenge what you read.
This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit