Fine dining

🗓️ On This Day - August 1st

As we’re entering the last month of summer, we all tend to feel a little bummed out. But now is not the time to fret! There is still an entire month to go, and August 1st deserves to be honored for all that it is! Today’s a big day for Leos, too, so let’s break down everything you need to know about this occasion.

On this day

Justinian I

Justinian I got a major promotion!

In the year 527, Justinian I became the sole ruler of the Byzantine Empire! He gained his new role following the death of his uncle, Justin I.


A groundbreaking discovery was made.

In 1774, Joseph Priestley, a chemist from England, discovered oxygen! He did so by trapping it in its solely gaseous state – a discovery that, naturally, would change the world for the better.

Facts about Slavery

The British Empire moved forward.

In 1834, the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 finally came into effect. The act abolished slavery throughout the entire British Empire – an important moment in what is still a highly controversial period of colonial domination.

Fine dining

Fine dining became easier to narrow down.

In the year 1900, the first ever Michelin Guide was published! The collection of quality hotel and restaurant suggestions was published by brothers Édouard and André Michelin. It remains a well-known and even sought-after list to this day – you may have heard of highly-rated restaurants, for example, claiming “Michelin stars.”

Anne Frank

Anne Frank made her final entry.

In 1944, Anne Frank – who famously hid with her Jewish family during Nazis’ occupation of Germany – made her final diary entry on this very date. Three days later, she was captured.

Special Days Falling on August 1st

August 1st isn’t just about history! There is so much to honor today. Here are some of the most important international holidays to consider if you’re stuck for things to celebrate.
canned tuna

International Can-It-Forward Day

International Can-it-Forward Day is a day that actually celebrates canning! As strange as that may seem, canning is a great way of preserving food. You can easily start canning at home on your own and reduce the risk of wasting food. And, since canned foods have famously long shelf lives, canning is also a great way of making more foods available to more people. So, celebrate Can-It-Forward Day by trying to can your own food or donating some cans to your local shelters and charities.

World Lung Cancer Day

World Lung Cancer Day

Although considering this holiday may not feel like much of a celebration, it is important. Lung cancer affects millions of people around the world – and, suffering from the condition is both scary and painful. That is why it is so important that we discuss it. That we learn more about it, learn what can cause it, how it can affect us, who it can affect, and what we can do to help those we love who are at risk. Learn the risks, and look after yourself.

World Wide Web Day

World Wide Web Day

There is no denying that the internet is one of, if not the most important invention of modern times. Billions of us use it every single day for work, school, entertainment, research, and more. But the world wide web definitely has its downsides, too. So, today, make sure to take the time to appreciate the world wide web, but also research what you can do to protect yourself and those you love when going online.

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

Christopher Columbus set sail! In August 1492, the world-famous explorer left Palos, in Spain, with three ships; the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. He was on his way to the Far East, hoping to find a better route there, but instead landed in the Bahamas, thus launching the colonization of the Americas.

Famous Birthdays on August 1st

Claudius, Roman Emperor, born 10 BC

Trevor Berbick, Jamaican boxer, born 1954

Andrew Wilson, Australian canoeist, born 1964

Sam Mendes, British director, born 1965

Jason Momoa, American actor, born 1979

Fun Facts about the Leo Star Sign

If you were born on August 1st…

…you’re a Leo! You are the embodiment of confidence! You love being in the spotlight, and boy, does it suit you! You are very opinionated and stick to your guns, even when the going gets tough. Just as your star sign symbol, you are as strong and brave as a lion! Learn more about Leos from our Leo facts page.

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