Norwuz celebration or Parsi New Year

On This Day - August 16th

As we’re nearing the end of summer in the upper hemisphere, the last thing you are going to want to do is look at the calendar. However, that can be a real shame as you might miss out on some of the most important dates of the year! Take August 16th, for example – below, we’ll share with you some historical titbits and special moments that might otherwise have passed you by.

On this day


Michelangelo got the go-ahead!

In 1501, legendary artist and sculptor Michelangelo got the important contract to create his statue of David at Florence Cathedral. He was granted the contract by the Overseers of the Office of Works of the Duomo.

Henry VIII

Henry VIII was victorious.

In 1513, during the Battle of the Spurs at Guinegate, Henry VIII of England and the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian were victorious! They were victorious over the French – in one of many, many battles between the two nations that unfolded over the centuries.

Statue of Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria had an important message to send.

In 1858, Queen Victoria sent a telegraph to US President James Buchanan for the very first time via transatlantic telegraph cable! It’s strange to think that now we have royals and Presidents who use social media!

Paraguay Facts

A devastating massacre unfolded in South America.

In 1869, during the War of the Triple Alliance, a Paraguay battalion made up entirely of children, was shockingly massacred. They were killed by the Brazilian Army during the Battle of Acosta ñu.

Flag of Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire made a big change!

In 1908, the Committee of Union and Progress known as The Young Turks announced a program with the idea of reforming and respecting the rights of all within the Ottoman Empire. No matter their race or religion, all were to be respected. The Empire would eventually face abolishment by 1922, a year before the Republic of Turkey came into force.

Special Days Falling on August 16th

August 16th is a day of celebration for so many people around the world. Here are some of the most interesting festivities taking place today!
Norwuz celebration or Parsi New Year

Parsi New Year

August 16th is a very important date for Indian citizens – today marks the beginning of the new year following the Shahenshahi calendar, which is usually followed by the Indian Parsi community. During the day, Parsi families gather in their holy fire temples, and feast together on traditional Parsi dishes! Many also choose to start their year fresh by cleaning their homes, their clothes, and prepare for the months ahead.

Facts of the Dominican Republic

Restoration Day

Every August 16th, the people of the Dominican Republic look forward to Restoration Day! Today, the nation honors the battle that led to the Republic’s second independence from Spain. To celebrate, there are parades, fairs, and even military reviews all over the country!

Saint Roch

St. Roch’s Day

This Italian holiday takes place every year on August 16th. It celebrates St. Roch, a Frenchman who happens to be the patron saint of dogs! To honor the saint, people often dress in rags to commemorate his poverty. There are also dances and processions in honor of this great saint!

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

Germany raised the Berlin Wall. In August of 1961, after the East German government closed the border between their side and the west with barbed wires, the wires were eventually replaced by a 12-foot high concrete wall that covered 103 miles (165.7 km)! The wall was only torn down in 1990.

Famous Birthdays on August 16th

T. E. Lawrence, British author, soldier, and diplomat, born 1888

Otto Messmer, American cartoonist, born 1892

Liane Haid, Austrian actress, born 1895

Vicente Ascone, Italian composer, born 1897

Georgette Heyer, English author, born 1902

Fun Facts about the Leo Star Sign

If you were born on August 16th…

…you’re a Leo! You are pretty much as cool as they come! You’re confident, kind, and very strong. You’re basically a lion in human form! However, given that you enjoy the finer things out of life, you can sometimes succumb to people taking advantage of your generosity – watch yourself, but don’t close yourself off!

Learn more about what makes Leos so incredible from our Leo facts page – and you might just find out something brand new about yourself.

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