On This Day - April 27th
May is just around the corner, but that doesn’t mean we’re out of things to say about April just yet! Any Tauruses out there celebrating a birthday, congratulations! In the meantime, here are a few famous historical events and important occasions you may wish to remember otherwise on April 27th.
On this day

Beethoven debuts a classic.
Ludwig van Beethoven was famous for composing many a tune, but his classic piano masterpiece "Für Elise" found its way into public consciousness back on April 27th, 1810. It remains a popular choice for piano teachers everywhere!

Let’s go to the zoo!
London Zoo is a genuine monument in the heart of England's capital - and no wonder, given that it's around 200 years old! Yes - back on April 27th, 1828, The London Zoo opened its gates for the first time (but not its cages!), welcoming visitors to Regent's Park ever since.

Sierra Leone became independent.
April 27th is a huge day for Sierra Leoneans, as it marks the beginning of their freedom from British oversight. Once a colony of Great Britain, the African country broke apart from their rule with an independent leader in Sir Milton Margai, all the way back in 1961.

The first mouse hit shelves.
Where would we be without computer mice? Well, there's trackpads, we guess? Regardless, it all started with a simple yet innovative little creation back in 1981, when the world's first PC mouse debuted on April 27th - thanks to Xerox PARC.

South Africa welcomed fair elections.
For the very first time in its democratic history, South Africa opened general elections to people of all races back on April 27th, 1994. It was a tremendous moment for civil rights after the release of Nelson Mandela, and after more than four decades of Apartheid.
Special Days Falling on April 27th
Even if it’s not your birthday or even a big anniversary for you today, there are still a few events and occasions you can get behind at short notice. Here are just a few of our favorites that we think are worth taking note of!
National Teach Your Children to Save Day
Saving money is difficult, but in times like these, clinging onto the pennies is a very big deal! Therefore, why not start your children early on good savings habits and show them what they can achieve by putting a little bit by occasionally? This event is usually backed by financial bodies and there’s bound to be a few creative ideas you can tap into today.

Marine Mammal Rescue Day
Started by Senator Toni Atkins in CA back in 2017, Marine Mammal Rescue Day raises awareness of sea creatures that are at risk of environmental damage and habitat loss. It’s a day for donating to local marine wildlife causes, as well as to learn more about the incredible work that marine rescue teams undertake every day.

Morse Code Day
Before SMS, emoji and DMs, there was Morse code. Invented by Samuel Morse, the telegraph is an invention that’s proved highly useful in delivering complex messages across long distances. Think of it as a precursor to email! Morse Code Day is a celebration of the invention’s importance, and why it still has a place in society today.
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