
Are you fascinated with nature? Discover thousands of interesting and fun facts about the animals we share our planet with…

facts about labradors
20 Mar

13 Little-Known Facts about Labradors

Who doesn’t love labradors? This loveable breed of dog is regarded as one of the most popular across the US and Europe, and they’ve even been put to task as working dogs over the years. However, they are normally best known for being extremely loyal and having a fun-loving disposition (most of the time)! Here …
Mt Fuji
9 Mar

12 Towering Facts About Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji’s more than just a mountain – it’s an active volcano! This natural behemoth, found out in Japan, is a massive draw for tourists from all over the world. What’s more, this towering beauty also holds much religious and spiritual significance to many people. Here are some fun facts about Mount Fuji to marvel …
Facts about Cheetahs
6 Mar

26 Captivating Facts About Cheetahs

Cheetahs are the fastest and one of the most beautiful animals in the world. Throughout the centuries they’ve been considered a symbol of power and prestige. They’ve been pets to many people dating back to historical figures such as Genghis Khan, Akbar the Great of India, and Mogul Emperor. Akbar (1555-1600 AD) had a collection …
facts about oysters
2 Mar

13 Organic Facts About Oysters

Oysters are curious creatures that only really seem to come to mind when ordering a fancy meal – however, it’s a broad series of aquatic families you’ll find under the waves! Here are some fun facts about oysters that might just surprise you. 1. They are shaped this way for a reason! Oysters are oddly …
fun facts about sea lions
22 Feb

13 Fun-Loving Facts about Sea Lions

Ever confused sea lions with seals?  Don’t worry – millions of people have done the exact same thing!  However, these loveable critters are pretty different from their cousins, despite also being whiskered, water-loving mammals. But what are some fun facts about sea lions you may not necessarily know about?  Let’s open up our fact file …
termite colony
20 Feb

10 Focused Facts about Termites

Termites munch away on wood for their whole lives. From the African termites that build mounds taller than men to the subterranean species that destroy homes; these highly social insects are fascinating creatures to review. Here’s some fun facts about termites to help clue you in: 1. Termites are true workaholics. Termites work 24 hours …
Hyena Facts
17 Feb

12 Hyperactive Facts about Hyenas

Hyenas are wild mammals who are perhaps best known for their distinctive calls – some people feel they are ‘laughing’ when they call each other! However, there’s certainly more to the hyena than the odd joke… here are some fun facts about hyenas worth keeping in mind. 1. Hyenas aren’t related to dogs. Though dog-like …
a huge coconut crab
13 Feb

12 Cracking Facts About Coconut Crabs

Coconut crabs are truly bizarre-looking creatures – is it any wonder that you’re reading this fact file? They are massive beasts and have an interesting communication system – and yet they still remain fairly mysterious. To help boost your knowledge of these animals, here are some fun facts about coconut crabs! 1. Darwin set the …
Facts about Hamsters
11 Feb

16 Happy Facts About Hamsters

Hamsters are cute little critters! They are popular pets with children and adults alike and tend to be very popular with those who are looking for low-maintenance, exciting animals to keep at home. Often very easy to please, to keep healthy, and to entertain, there are various breeds of hamsters that continue to find their …
zebras running
7 Feb

15 Zany Facts About Zebras

Zebras are curious animals. Are they white with black stripes, or black with white stripes? What separates them from horses? In this fact file, we are going to take a close look at everything we know about these wild and wonderful beasts. Think of yourself to be a zebra expert? Maybe it’s time to test …
facts about llamas
7 Feb

14 Laid-Back Facts About Llamas

Llamas are pretty curious beasts – even to look at! However, beneath that odd exterior are – of course – some even more bizarre facts and figures! Do you know llamas well enough? They are more than towering, fuzzy pillars of spit and attitude! Here are some fun facts about llamas that you might not …
Hydrogen airship accident
5 Feb

13 Hazardous Facts About Hydrogen

Which chemical element has no colour, odor, taste, and also is a gaseous flammable substance? If you haven’t missed any chemistry classes you surely know the answer- Hydrogen (H)! Hydrogen is the first element in the periodic table and makes up 75% of the planet we live on. So what, right? It’s not alarming to …
beaver spotted
4 Feb

10 Fun Facts About Beavers

The numerous ways a beaver shapes its environments for survival are awe-inspiring. Here are some fun facts about beavers that you might not have known about. 1. Beavers have giant ancestors. Beavers used to be giants back in the Ice Age. Named “Castoroides,” they looked similar to the modern beavers but only much bigger. They …
a tardigrade on moss
3 Feb

15 Terrific Facts About Tardigrades

Brown, polar, panda, and even koala bears…  Most people can easily name a type of bear or two. Most are easily recognizable mammals due to their shape and furry bodies. What about the koala bear, though? Koalas aren’t actually classified as bears. They’re marsupials! And like the koala, a tiny creature bears the name “bear” …
ant on a leaf
3 Feb

11 Awesome Facts About Ants

Small but mighty, it might naturally be pretty easy to overlook just how incredible ants are. Multiple species help to make up some of the most industrious, hard-working insects you’ll find around the globe. However, they can sometimes be a nuisance – and if you get on the bad side of one, you might just …
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