
Sir Isaac Newton
3 Dec

11 Interesting Facts About Isaac Newton

It’s not possible to visualize the scientific world without thinking of Sir Isaac Newton. He was the first scientist who explained why objects fall towards the ground. Here’s some more fun facts about Isaac Newton for you to learn: 1. Newton was a Lincolnshire native. Isaac Newton was born on the January 4th, 1643 at …
Facts about the Domesday Book
28 Nov

12 Dynamic Facts About The Domesday Book

Doomsday, Domesday, what’s in a name? While the Domesday Book may sound like something you’d dread, it’s actually one of the most important records of British history we’ve studied over the years. Here are some fun facts about the Domesday Book to keep you reading. 1. King William ordered the book. William the Conqueror, who …
Red Chinese lanterns for New Year
25 Nov

10 Charming Facts About Chinese New Year

Did you know that you can celebrate New Year twice in the space of 12 months? Chinese New Year takes place around the start of February, and has been celebrated for centuries – and not just in China! It’s a time for harnessing good luck and encouraging positive energy. Here are some fun facts about …
facts about virginia woolf
24 Nov

10 Victorious Facts About Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf remains perhaps one of the most-read and most important authors of all time. Her famous novels have made their way to the big screen on multiple occasions, and what’s more, many people have referred to her as a woman ahead of her time! Sadly, her life behind the books was fraught with tragedy …
facts about the Greek Gods
24 Nov

12 Gargantuan Facts About The Greek Gods

There are 12 Gods and Goddesses most frequently referred to in Ancient Greek Mythology – these are known as the Olympians, and while there are four other deities that many refer to in the same line, it’s this dozen you will likely hear about the most! Here are some fun facts about Greek Gods, as …
Frosty looking January setting
19 Nov

12 Jubilant Facts About January

January is a very important month in our western calendar – it’s the start of a New Year, and for many of us, that means writing up all kinds of resolutions and starting new habits after the festive season. However, the month also has some incredible history to it – here are some fun facts …
interesting facts about Christmas
15 Nov

13 Captivating Facts About Christmas

Christmas is the time of year in the Christian calendar when families come together to really appreciate each other and to celebrate this festive period with gifts and food. Here’s some fun facts about Christmas! 1. Armenian Christmases have interesting menus! In Armenia, the traditional Christmas Eve meal consists of fried fish, lettuce and spinach. …
Keto Food Diet Facts
9 Nov

14 Delicious Facts About Ketogenic Diets

It can seem like there’s a million and one different diet plans out there! However, not all diets and nutrition plans work for everyone – we’re all different in terms of metabolism and the ways in which our bodies process nutrients and calories. However, a ketogenic diet is one which has gathered lots of interest …
Fun facts about Halloween
26 Oct

15 Spooky Facts About Halloween

Halloween is an annual celebration where people dress up in frightening masks and costumes to ward off bad spirits! Here’s 15 fun facts about Halloween to get you in the mood! 1. Scary costumes have been worn for centuries! The tradition of wearing scary costumes on Halloween comes from the ancient Celts as they believed …
facts about Barack Obama
26 Oct

21 Brilliant Facts About Barack Obama

After Bush Jr, and before Trump, there was President Obama. Each US President brings in big changes from one administration to the next – and Barack Obama was well-known for making sweeping changes to US society which, for the most part, were reasonably popular! Of course, all presidents have their critics – though Obama, the …
Facts about Vegan Diets
15 Oct

25 Fun Facts About The Vegan Diet

The vegan diet has become very popular. More and more people are choosing to go vegan for various reasons. They usually range from ethics to environmental concerns, or just from a desire to improve one’s health. When done right, such a diet may result in many health benefits, including a trimmer waistline and improved blood …
facts about winter
9 Oct

15 Solid Facts About Winter

Winter is likely to be many people’s favourite time of the year. While it can get bitterly cold depending on where you are in the world, it is also the time of year in the northern hemisphere for Christmas and New Year celebrations. What’s more, there’s nothing quite like taking a stroll through snowy trails …
8 Oct

21 Heroic Facts About Superman

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird, it’s a plane! It’s Superman! We all know and love the iconic comic book superhero, Superman – ‘The Man of Steel’. What’s not to love? He’s got amazing powers that he uses to help those in need, believing in truth and justice for all. For decades these …
8 Oct

26 Rare Facts About The USSR

For decades, the USSR was a behemoth force to be reckoned with in terms of global politics and warfare. Starting with the Bolshevik revolution, the rise of the Soviet Union took place across Russia and Europe’s Eastern bloc over what almost amounted to a century. During this time, some of the most shocking political events …
facts about guy fawkes
7 Oct

24 Explosive Facts About Guy Fawkes

We’re all well aware of the plot element in the film V for Vendetta and the use of Guy Fawkes’ masks. After the film, the Guy Fawkes’ masks have become a universally known symbol of protest used among various groups. The masks both conceal the identity of the protestants and demonstrate their commitment to a …