
interesting facts about space
18 Mar

On This Day – March 18th

The first public bus service, the greatest show on Earth, and a historic robbery, are just a few of the reasons March 18th has gone down in history! Whether you’re celebrating a birthday or are simply recovering from the mother of all St Patrick’s hangovers, here’s a ton of great facts about March 18th.
St. Patrick's Day
17 Mar

On This Day – March 17th

It’s St Patrick’s Day! What’s more, on March 17th, we saw an artist earn his place in history, a scientific paper that changed our understanding of light, and countless celebrations of Irish culture! Here’s everything else you need to know about March 17th – whether you’re already marking the occasion or not!
interesting facts about the panda
16 Mar

On This Day – March 16th

A ground-breaking newspaper, shoes making the news and the Geneva Convention are just three of a variety of things we look back on today! Keep reading to find out why March 16th has been so important throughout history – and happy birthday, too, if you’re celebrating!
Breath holding
15 Mar

On This Day – March 15th

March 15th has made its mark in history in so many ways! From a record-breaking breath to icons of music and movies, a life-saving idea to a global movement, this day is surely one to remember. Whether or not it’s special in your own life or not, here are some fabulous reasons to mark March …
Fun Facts about Sputnik
14 Mar

12 Out Of This World Facts about Sputnik 1

In 1957, the world was changed forever with the launch of Sputnik, the first artificial satellite to be sent into space. This achievement by the Soviet Union marked the beginning of the Space Age and sparked fierce competition between the US and the USSR in the realm of space exploration. Here are 12 fascinating facts …
Movie projectionists have today to thank.
14 Mar

On This Day – March 14th

Math geeks rejoice! Math is pretty much the centre of everything today as it is in fact International Math Day. But don’t worry, if Math isn’t your forte, we’ve found all the best non-math facts about March 14th – and happy birthday if you’re already celebrating.
Apollo 9 space crew
13 Mar

On This Day – March 13th

Planetary discoveries abound, and the end of chilly ears. It’s no wonder March 13th is such a special day! Many happy returns if you’re celebrating today – but here are a few more reasons to mark March 13th. Let’s hope it doesn’t fall on a Friday!
How to get a CFO Job
12 Mar

Networking: How To Get a CFO Job

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is one of the most critical positions within a company—their decisions can have severe implications for an organization’s financial success. The CFO position is also very fulfiling, exciting, and vital for a company. Hence, it’s also a very wanted position but not easy to acquire. Luckily, nothing’s impossible if you …
National Plant a Flower Day
12 Mar

On This Day – March 12th

What is there we can really say about March 12th – is it more than just another day? Probably! A concert to save the rainforest, the first Coca-Cola, and the first edition of a particularly fashionable feline all in one day? That’s just a small fraction of what makes March 12th such a special day …
Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day
11 Mar

On This Day – March 11th

Two global pandemics, public grief for a gangster, and world plumbing day – March 11th has certainly seen some action throughout the years. Find out why below – regardless of whether or not you’re already celebrating!
National Mario Day - March 10th
10 Mar

On This Day – March 10th

March 10th is a day on which we should remember incredible historical events, comforting foods, and Italian plumbers. The latter will make more sense once you read through our most interesting facts about March 10th – so whether or not you’re celebrating a birthday or anniversary today, let’s take a look at why it’s a …
1950s Facts
9 Mar

On This Day – March 9th

March 9th is a day for celebrating dolls, meatballs, and Portugal! As odd as that may sound, it’s an important day that ties them all together… so, let’s just dive in and take a look at what kind of an impact March 9th has made on society in years gone by.
International Women’s Day
8 Mar

On This Day – March 8th

March 8th is a day to appreciate the women in our lives, explore all we can about a special state, and more – whether or not it’s already a special date for you, there are plenty of reasons to mark March 8th. Let’s take a closer look.
Fun facts about the Ottoman Empire
7 Mar

10 Outrageous Facts about The Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire is one of the most famous ruling classes of all human history. The Ottoman Period itself lasted for about 600 years and only ended in the 20th century! Here are some fun facts about the Ottoman Empire to help clue you up on this powerful dynasty. 1. When did the Ottoman Empire …
National Cereal Day
7 Mar

On This Day – March 7th

March 7th completes our first week in March and brings us a lot of history, national holidays, and historic birthdays to celebrate! You may well be welcoming an occasion or two of your own today – but regardless of how you choose to spend it, here are some of the most interesting things about March …