Wondering how to say the name of this wonderful city? It’s pronounced Vic-toor-ee-ah.
The total land area of Victoria is 7.8 square miles (20.1 square kilometres)…
…that’s roughly 1/19 of the size of Swansea.
It also makes Victoria one of the smallest capital cities in the world!
Flag of Seychelles
Victoria’s population was 26,000 in 2014…
…that’s around 1/9 of the population of Swansea…
…and gives it a population density of around 3,333 residents per square mile.
Victoria is located just 3 ft above sea level.
Residents of Victoria are known as Seychellois.
Seychellois living in Victoria enjoy a tropical rainforest climate with little temperature variation, no true dry season (each month averages more than 60mm of rain) and an average annual temperature of 26.9°C.
Looking to fly yourself to Victoria? You’ll need the coordinates of 4.6167° S, 55.4500° E to get there.
Make sure you visit the Seychelles National Botanical Gardens if you’re in Victoria; at more than 100 years old, this beautiful tourist attraction was originally set up as an experimental garden, but is now thriving and even boasts species of spice and fruit trees that can’t be found anywhere else in the world!
Social intricacies
The official languages of Victoria are Seychellois Creole, English and French.
Seychellois Rupee is the official currency here.
Seychelles welcomed 230,000 tourists into the country in 2013, many of whom visited Victoria for its beautiful sandy beaches and vibrant culture.
Do you know any fun facts about Victoria? Share them in the comments below!