Sometimes, we are not as interested in learning as we should be. The lack of inspiration and motivation takes over us, and we are ready to give up while slowly scrolling through sites like, looking to hire professional help. Well, to help you get out of such a mood, here are ten interesting facts about education around the world to inspire you.
1. The highest school in the world
Have you heard about the highest school in the world? This school is located high in the mountains in Phuma Changthang, Tibet. It is built at at incredible 5022 m (16,476 ft) above sea level! Of course, the town is located right next to it at this height. In fact, many Tibetan towns are located in the highlands, so there is nothing unusual for them to build a school at this record height. Although the school recently closed, the government plans to open a preschool in this building.

2. The recycled school
There is one school in the Philippines that looks like no other. It’s a small building for educational purposes built entirely from recycled plastic bottles! The entire school! About a hundred volunteers and over 9,000 plastic bottles filled with sand were used during the build. A special glue holds the materials together to create solid and reliable walls. The building is called the Bootle School, and it is a project like no other in the world.
3. No grading system
Finland turned the educational system upside down several years ago, stating that they would cancel the grading system in the first six years of education. That’s right. Finnish school doesn’t measure children up till they are teens. Such a system allows children to enjoy school more and focus on knowledge rather than grades. But, of course, it also dramatically reduces the pressure. Even if those students use sites like writingpapersucks, they clearly do it for research purposes only.
4. The oldest school
China is proud to claim it has the oldest known school in the world that is still working. It is the Shishi High School in Chengdu, built in 194 AD. However, it is not just the oldest education building that still serves its purpose. It is also the first public school in China. The fact it still stands and hosts children speaks a lot about Chinese respect towards education. It’s worth noting that the school was modernized a century ago.
5. A birthday tradition
The Netherlands also has something special about its school system. All children start attending preschool at the age of four, exactly on the day of their birthday. Indeed, it’s quite a unique way to celebrate a child’s birthday. Luckily, the kids love the tradition. Plus, the class is never completed during the first year. Kids keep coming during the school year, making it an interesting experience for everyone.
6. Immigration via studying
Canada is one of the most welcoming countries in the world when it comes to international students. First, the state has numerous strong school options for young people. Secondly, it also allows international students to apply to become official Canadian citizens due to their student immigration visas. Accepting many locally-educated specialists seems like a very good idea, which will hopefully spread to other forward-thinking countries soon.
7. The loneliest school
Back in 2014, the government of Turin in Italy decided to keep schools open even if there was just one pupil attending. Well, that’s exactly what happened in the little northern Turin town of Alpette. The school was opened for just one little girl who needed an education. Needless to say, the girl was very lonely and often imagined having other kids in the classroom with her.
8. Lunch as a curriculum
It is well-known that France takes its cuisine and food culture very seriously. However, did you know that school lunches in first grade are considered a part of the school program? Indeed, this period is used to explain to children table manners, etiquette, and how to taste and enjoy food. Turns out, there are many rules to becoming a true French foodie.
9. Life-long education journey
People in Denmark love to study. In fact, they love it so much that they dedicate most of their lives to studying. Not that they stay in school or university till their retirement years. But most Danish people will attend courses, lectures, or classes every now and again. Education in Denmark is free, and everyone is welcome to take it at any time. So, the proposition certainly finds the audience.
10. Boat schools
Perhaps the fascinating concept on the list, boat schools, exists in Bangladesh. In fact, the country has over a hundred boats that sometimes fulfil school duties. Unfortunately, Bangladesh often suffers from seasonal flooding during the summer season. The government transfers all schools and pupils on boats to prevent such disruptions. Such ships have everything necessary for educational purposes. Plus, it is probably quite a fun experience, minus the floods, of course.
Do you know any fun facts about education? Share them in the comments below!