facts about Diabetes Type 1

10 Debilitating Facts about Diabetes Type 1

Diabetes affects many of us around the world – and type 1, in particular, affects people of all ages. This condition may be difficult to live with, however, many people have learned how to adapt their diets and lifestyles around their daily checks and measures. If you’re unsure what this condition entails, here are some important facts about diabetes type 1.

1. What is type 1 diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes, which is sometimes known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, is connected to autoimmune function. With type 1 diabetes, your body’s immune system erroneously eradicates insulin-producing cells residing in your pancreas.

2. When can you be affected by type 1 diabetes?

Although we tend to link diabetes with older people, type 1 diabetes typically develops in younger people – hence the name “juvenile diabetes” in many cases. Unfortunately, the condition can strike people at any age.

3. What causes type 1 diabetes?

One of the sad things about type 1 diabetes is that we do not know yet what exactly causes it. However, many believe it to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. It’s commonly mistaken with type 2, which may exacerbate with diet and lifestyle choices.

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4. How long does type 1 diabetes affect people?

People with type 1 diabetes will require insulin therapy throughout their entire lives to manage their blood sugar. This is because their bodies are unable to produce insulin – and they’ll need to start managing their levels as soon as they receive a diagnosis.

5. How many people does type 1 diabetes affect?

In 2021, it was believed that about 8.4 million people across the planet were affected by type 1 diabetes. And, most of them were children and young adults. In fact, diabetes affects about 1 in 400 children and adolescents.

6. What are the symptoms of diabetes type 1?

Common symptoms among people with type 1 diabetes include frequent urination, excessive thirst, unexplained weight loss, extreme hunger, fatigue, and blurred vision. If you have any or multiple of the symptoms mentioned, it is definitely worth seeing your doctor as soon as possible!

7. How is type 1 diabetes managed?

Believe it or not, type 1 diabetes is perfectly manageable with the right treatments. These include blood sugar monitoring, insulin injections or insulin pump therapy, healthy eating, regular physical activity, and careful management of other factors that can affect blood sugar levels. It is estimated that someone with type 1 diabetes will have to take their blood glucose levels about 80,000 times in their lifetime!

8. It’s always important to get treated.

There are so many reasons why it is important to treat type 1 diabetes as soon as possible! Untreated or poorly controlled type 1 diabetes can lead to various complications, such as cardiovascular problems, nerve damage, eye problems, kidney disease, and an increased risk of infections!

Diabetes Facts

9. Can we cure diabetes type 1?

Another sad thing about type 1 diabetes is that it cannot be prevented, and there is currently no cure. However, ongoing research is focused on finding ways to prevent or reverse the disease!

10. Living with type 1 diabetes is tricky, but manageable.

As difficult as it may seem, living with diabetes requires continuous self-care and vigilance, but with proper management and support, individuals with the condition can lead active and fulfiling lives. And nowadays, it is easier than ever before to get the right treatment to make the lives of those with type 1 diabetes that much easier. Adjusting to insulin injections takes time, but millions of people manage.

Facts about Diabetes

FAQs about Diabetes Type 1

What is the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

When managing type 1 diabetes, a sufferer's pancreas doesn't create insulin at all. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas makes less insulin than it used to. The distinction is that type 2 diabetes can be developed, whereas people are frequently born with type 1.

What is more serious, type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes?

Generally speaking, type 2 diabetes is considered to be a milder form of the condition. Therefore, type 1 diabetes tends to be more serious. However, both types of diabetes should be taken very seriously!

Can type 1 diabetics have babies?

Yes, women with type 1 diabetes can have safe pregnancies and healthy babies! However, it is important for them to be monitored closely during their pregnancies in case certain diabetes symptoms or complications worsen.

Further reading:

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