facts about coca cola

15 Ice-Cold Facts About Coca Cola

Whether you prefer Pepsi, Coke, or swear off the stuff altogether, it’s safe to say that Coca-Cola is a global phenomenon. The famous red cans – and even more famous red lorries – are staples across the West and have even started emerging all over the world in recent decades.

Love it or hate it, Coke appears to be here to stay. Here are a few fun facts about Coca-Cola and the brand which might surprise you.

1. There are many, many types of Coke.

Coca-Cola owns more than just its signature drink. In fact, it’s thought that it would likely take you up to nine years to drink all their global types – at a rate of a different beverage a day!

2. The Cola Wars continue…

Coca-Cola is, of course, in competition with Pepsi. In 2010, they actually made less money than their rivals – but they made more money from soft drinks alone.

3. Its brand value is immense.

It’s thought that Coke is worth more than some major fast food chains in terms of its main brand. It was recently valued at more than $83 billion (brand alone).

Coca Cola with moisture on the can

4. Only two countries refuse the fizziness.

Coke’s global reach is easy to underestimate. It’s thought that only North Korea and Cuba are Coca-Cola free at this point in time.

5. More Coke drinkers live here than anywhere else.

Who drinks more Coca-Cola than any other nation? You’d be surprised. It’s Mexico! It’s thought that Mexicans will averagely consume over 700 Coke owned products every year.

6. That’s some reach…

Coca-Cola is responsible for around 3.1% of all beverages drunk around the world.

7. 94% of people know Coke well.

Studies show that only 6% of people all over the world cannot recognise the famous Coca-Cola logo.

8. The urban legend revealed…

Coca-Cola – yes – used to contain cocaine. The average Coke back in the early days was thought to have around 9mg of the substance per bottle. However, by 1903, cocaine had vanished from the recipe completely.

9. There’s stacks of sugar in their signature drink.

Coca-Cola’s leading drink is, of course, incredibly sugary. It’s thought that the average can of Coke had around 3g of sugar per serving. That’s nearly ten teaspoons of the stuff!

Coca Cola Facts

10. 91 cans of Coke a year – per person!

It’s thought, on average, a person consumes a Coca-Cola product once every four days.

11. Coke’s marketing is fantastic.

Coca-Cola is also famous for its intensive advertising and marketing budgets. So much so, that they have outstripped big corporations such as Apple by three times the expense.

12. Six-packs encourage more purchases.

There’s a reason why the six-packs of Coke started emerging in the 1930s – it was to encourage people to buy and therefore drink more of the stuff! Since then, 12 packs have emerged as the standard!

Coke bottle and glass of coke with ice and lemon

13. Coca-Cola is a big parent umbrella.

All in all, it’s thought there are around 33 different soft drink brands which make more than $1 billion a year. Coke owns just less than half of them, responsible for 15 of the drinks. These include Sprite, Fanta and Powerade.

14. That’s a lot of fizz…

Around 10,000 Coca-Cola-owned drinks are consumed each second, each day, all over the world.

15. A universal language?

The company claims that they have ownership over the second easiest to understand word or phrase worldwide. They aren’t big enough to win out over the word ‘ok’, however!

empty Coca Cola bottle on the beach

FAQs about Coca Cola

What’s Coca-Cola’s net worth?

As of the time of writing, Coca-Cola is thought to be worth around $230 billion! Bizarrely, that’s only $20 billion richer than SpaceX mogul Elon Musk on his own.

Does Coca-Cola actually own McDonalds?

No, but the two brands have worked hand in hand since the 1950s, and they don’t seem to show any plans to split.

Who is worth more - Pepsi, or Coca-Cola?

Coca-Cola is said to be worth more in terms of stock capital and brand value, however, Pepsi has edged it in terms of sales for several years.

Do you know any fun facts about Coca Cola?  Share them in the comments below!

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