nutrition facts about butter

10 Brilliant Nutrition Facts About Butter

Spreadable, tasty and versatile, butter is an asset to any sandwich, slice of toast, or the baking of a cake. It’s a fridge staple (or, do you keep yours out of the cold?). How butter is made is also pretty fascinating – and right now, we’ll take you through some fun facts about butter that might just make your mouth water.

1. What is butter, anyway?

Of course, we all know that butter is that wonderful yellow spread that works perfectly well on toast, in pasta, and any kind of casserole! But, do you know what butter is actually made of? Butter is a dairy product and it is made from the fat and protein of churned cream.

2. How is butter made?

Butter is churned – and while that may sound complex, the process is actually pretty simple! Essentially, churning involves shaking the cream of milk vigorously, until the liquid separates from the fats. The liquid becomes buttermilk, and the semi-solid fats left are the butter!

3. Is butter bad for you?

We seem to always go back and forth on whether or not butter is good for you, so let’s try to make it simple! Butter is definitely high in calories as well as saturated fats. Therefore, it should be eaten in moderation.

facts about butter

4. Full of vitamins and nutrients!

Perhaps surprisingly, butter is rich in nutrients such as calcium, and contains compounds such as conjugated linoleic acid and butyrate, both of which are conducive to a healthy lifestyle. It is also full of vitamins A, D, E, and B12. So, while you should enjoy this incredible spread in moderation, do not refrain from eating it because you think it is purely bad for you.

5. Goat, sheep, or cow?

While most of us enjoy butter made from cow’s milk, there are plenty of other options available, too! For example, have you tried sheep butter? What about goat butter? There’s also yak and buffalo butter if you’re willing to try it!

6. Butter’s been around for a LONG time.

Butter has been around for thousands of years! In fact, many believe that it dates back to about 8,000 BC! At that time, butter will most likely have been made from goat’s milk for the majority of people.

7. The first butter factory was American.

Despite its undeniable popularity over the centuries, the first butter factory only appeared in 1848! It was built in Goshen, New York, and was a family-owned business.

8. Making butter from home?

If you are considering churning your own butter, just know that you will need about nine pints of milk just to make half a pound of butter! While that may seem like a lot of milk, remember that a lot of liquid will be separated from the butter itself.

9. How long can butter stay out of the fridge?

While some people choose to keep their butter out of cold storage, this may not be the best idea. The USDA recommends that butter should be refrigerated constantly to avoid it going bad. However, if you left it out overnight, do not worry! It usually takes about two days to start going bad.

butter and flour

10. Butter’s a big industry!

Butter is so popular that it is believed that about one-third of the world’s milk production is dedicated to the making of butter! To be fair, we can’t get enough of this yellow goodness!

FAQs about Butter

What are the different types of butter?

There’s salted butter, unsalted, whipped, cultured, clarified, spreadable, and more. What’s more, there’s butter that varies depending on the milk it’s made from - such as from goat, sheep, cow, even buffalo.

How much butter should you eat in a day?

If you’re a butter everyday kind of person, then it’s important to know how to limit your intake of this tasty spread! That way, it stays a fun treat, and less of a health threat! One to two tablespoons of butter every day should be fine - everything in moderation, of course, is a must.

Does butter expire?

Yes, butter does expire! Sadly, even when it is refrigerated, this yellow spread does have a best-by date. Always check the best-by date on your butter, and aim to finish your tub or pat ahead of time. Otherwise, you could risk food poisoning.

Further reading

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