
26 Alleviated Facts About Astrology

Are you a typical Leo, or more of a classic Capricorn? Believe in the zodiac and the study of astrology or not, we all have star signs – and it’s fascinating to think about some of the personality traits that our birth dates can hypothetically dictate.

In this modern world, many of us already know a fair bit about astrology! This pseudoscience has made its way into our newspapers, magazines, and even on social media platforms!

However, there are also plenty of people who are sceptical of it and try to steer clear! Whatever your point of view, astrology is an intriguing topic that covers more than just occasional horoscopes. Here are some of the most interesting facts about astrology.

1. Astrology is an ancient practice.

As you might know, astrology is a very ancient practice. In fact, it dates back to ancient civilizations, including the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Greeks! Seeing how long it has lasted and the fact that it has spread across so many different cultures, it’s no wonder people take it so seriously, even today!

2. There are 12 signs in Western astrology.

The Western zodiac consists of 12 signs. These signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each sign has its own time during the year, spreading between two months. For example, Capricorn births can occur between mid-December and mid-January.

Each zodiac sign and planet has its own unique symbol or glyph. For example, a Scorpio is aptly represented by the scorpion, and Libra, thought to be a “balanced” sign, is represented by weighing scales!

3. There are Sun and Moon signs, too.

The most commonly known aspect of astrology is the Sun sign. As the name suggests, the Sun sign is based on the position of the Sun at the time of one’s birth.

On the other hand, Moon signs represent the Moon’s position at birth. Moon signs are meant to reflect one’s emotional nature.

Therefore, your Sun and dominant sign might be Taurus, but your Moon sign might be Leo – two very different signs to make up a complex personality!

4. You can also find out your Ascendant.

For those interested, the rising sign, also known as the Ascendant, is just as important as the Sun or Moon sign.

The rising sign is the zodiac sign rising on the Eastern horizon side at the time of birth. It is meant to tell us much about one’s outward behavior and first impressions. In fact, some believe that the rising sign has even more influence on us than our Sun or Moon signs – to each their own, of course!

Sun and Moon sign

5. Natal charts help people dig deeper into how the stars define them.

To learn more about themselves, people interested in astrology sometimes complete natal charts. A natal chart is, effectively, a map of the sky at the exact moment of someone’s birth. Therefore, it shows the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and other astrological points.

These charts help people determine their Sun, Moon, and rising signs, among other things.

Interestingly, natal charts are divided into 12 houses. Each house represents different areas of life, such as relationships, careers, and possessions.

Aspects are also very important on natal charts – these are angles formed between planets. They supposedly indicate how they interact and influence each other, which can be key for the person reading the chart.

Again – to each their own – but it’s fascinating to dive into!

6. The planets are very telling!

In astrology, each planet carries a lot of meaning. In fact, the Sun, Moon, and then the planets each represent different aspects of personality and life experiences.

That is why some people interested in astrology are also fascinated by the current positions of certain planets, as they believe those positions will significantly impact their lives or those of the ones they love.

For example, you may have heard of Mercury being “in” retrograde. This is a period of time during which the planet Mercury appears to move backward in the sky. In astrology, it is often associated with communication and technology disruptions.

7. Zodiacs are divided into elements, too!

Let’s add an extra layer of intrigue! Elements are very important in astrology, most notably with zodiac signs. For example, the zodiac signs are grouped into four elements: fire (in which you’ll find Aries the ram, Leo the lion, and Sagittarius the centaur), Earth (Taurus the bull, Virgo the virgin, and Capricorn the goat), air (Gemini the twins, Libra the scales, and Aquarius the water-carrier), and water (Cancer the crab, Scorpio the scorpion, and Pisces the fish).

The elements are meant to help represent the key characteristics of each sign. For example, earth signs are meant to be very grounded and generally calm. Fire signs are more aggressive and impulsive than others and can be difficult to tame! Do any of these traits sound familiar?

8. Zodiac signs are also divided into modalities.

One of the lesser-known facts about zodiac signs is that they are also divided into three modalities. These modalities are cardinal (which covers the signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn), fixed (which comprises Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), and mutable (accounting for the signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces).

Given that signs from different elements are brought together in modalities, this may seem quite shocking!

However, it can be explained as such: Cardinal signs thrive in change. They seek out new beginnings and are very active. They make things happen for themselves and build strong foundations for those around them.

Fixed signs, meanwhile, are more creative and dedicated, and generally thrive off of things moving forward, although they are not always the ones to move them.

Mutable signs are intelligent, positive, and enjoy making plans! They do not like things being unsettled. However, they remain flexible and pretty adaptable in most situations.

Zodiac modalities

9. Astrology famously focuses on compatibility.

Another key aspect of astrology is compatibility. Many use astrology and check their horoscopes to check on romantic and friendship compatibility based on the interaction of Sun signs and other chart factors.

For example, many believe that Aries and Libra make perfect soulmates, as do Taurus and Scorpios, Leos and Sagittarius, Capricorns and Aquarians, etc.

10. There have been various astrological ages over the millennia.

As you can imagine, many believe that there have been multiple astrological ages throughout time. For example, long-term periods influenced by the precession of the equinoxes have occurred, each lasting about 2,150 years. Currently, we are supposedly in the Age of Pisces, transitioning to the Age of Aquarius.

11. Horoscopes are quick, easy ways for people to keep in touch with astrological theory.

One of the most popular aspects of astrology is the horoscope. People check their daily, weekly, or monthly horoscopes frequently – they are predictions based on one’s Sun sign. They may predict what will happen to your work, love, friendship, or creative life, or all of them at once!

However, it is important to remember that most horoscopes remain very general and can only give you an idea of what may happen. Your choices still matter most!

Horoscopes are also based on transits, which are the current positions of planets and their movement through the zodiac. These affect our daily lives and events. Take general horoscopes with a pinch of salt, even if you are deeply invested in astrology!

12. Some people use synastry.

Some people assess compatibility and relationship dynamics for couples, friends, and others by comparing two natal charts. This is known as synastry.

However, again, it is important to remember that plenty of relationships are maintained between people of apparently opposing zodiacs, so if you and your partner don’t seem to have compatible natal charts, don’t worry too much!

For others, it is simply a nice confirmation of what they already feel.

When comparing the charts, one may make a composite chart, created by combining two individuals’ natal charts to analyze the relationship as a single entity.

Synastry chart for Beyonce and Jay-Z

13. Zodiacs are also divided into decans and by cusps.

No, really – we’re not done with groups and divisions just yet!

Each zodiac is divided into three 10-degree segments. These segments, also known as decans, are meant to add a certain depth to astrological interpretation.

There are also cusps to be taken into account. Cusps are the borders between zodiac signs. These cusps influence those born on the edge of two signs. So, say you were born on September 22nd – that falls neatly between Virgo and Libra, meaning you’re pretty much a Virgo-Libra cusp. You might hold traits of both signs!

14. There are different nodes to account for, too.

In astrology, there is also the north node, which indicates one’s life purpose and future direction in the natal chart.

On the other hand, the south node represents past life experiences and ingrained habits.

15. Lilith is an important figure in Astrology.

You may have heard of people referring to Lilith in astrology. For most, she is a figure who represents the dark or hidden aspects of the personality.

For others, she represents strength, independence, resilience, rebellion, and desire in feminine energy. The latter is definitely a more modern view of this entity, but not one to be ignored!

16. People look forward to the Saturn Return.

Many who are interested in astrology are equally interested in the Saturn Return! Saturn’s Return is a significant astrological event occurring approximately every 29 and a half years.

The return is meant to mark major life transitions, which is why it is considered to be so important. Try and plan big events around the next return if you can!

Saturn return

17. Some practice electional astrology.

As the name suggests, electional astrology involves choosing specific times to begin new ventures or events based on astrological alignments.

For example, one might choose to make a change during the void. This is a period of time during which the Moon is not making any major aspects before changing signs. It is, therefore, not usually advisable that you take big life steps during these periods.

18. Some practice mundane astrology, too.

Mundane astrology refers to studying world events and political affairs through astrology. It is also known as political astrology, and some believe that it can help predict and interpret big world events such as wars, natural disasters, and more.

19. And, there’s also medical astrology!

It’s true! Medical astrology involves analyzing health and potential ailments based on astrological factors. It is an ancient practice that is largely based on the concepts of Melothesia, referring to the association of parts of the body, various drugs, and diseases with the nature of the planets, Sun, Moon, and, of course, the 12 astrological signs.

While many people still practice medical astrology completely seriously, it is crucial to remember that if you are in need of medical help, it is always best to consult a certified medical professional first!

20. Astrology differs depending on the country and the time.

Astrology has, naturally, spread worldwide, which means that there are different uses and interpretations of it all over the globe.

For example, Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, is an ancient Indian system of astrology based on the sidereal zodiac.

On the other hand, Hellenistic astrology was practiced in the Mediterranean during the Hellenistic period. Medieval Astrology, meanwhile, was famously developed and practiced in Europe during the Middle Ages.

Vedic Astrology

21. Chinese astrology looks a little different to Western beliefs.

Many also know of Chinese astrology, based on a 12-year cycle, with each year represented by an animal sign and element. It’s why you’ll see different signs and practices relating to the Chinese zodiac. For example, you can be a fearsome Leo and a meek Rabbit at the same time if you follow East and West!

22. There is psychological astrology, too.

Many are becoming increasingly interested in psychological astrology, which freely combines the traditional zodiac studies of old with Jungian psychology to explore the human psyche.

On the other hand, esoteric astrology focuses on the spiritual and soul-centreed aspects of astrological interpretation. While similar in certain ways, the two different forms of astrology should not be mixed up!

23. Astrology has various schools.

By various schools, we mean that although often very generalized, astrology comprises various schools of thought. For example, traditional, modern, evolutionary, and psychological astrology are all different schools of thought in astrology.

While some try to familiarise themselves with all of the various aspects of astrology, others choose to focus solely on one or two schools of thought. It’s an enormously broad subject that benefits from lots of scholars having published theses and thoughts over the years!

Ultimately, the path you choose to follow with astrology is entirely up to you!

24. Astrology is also about the stars.

As you may have deciphered, the prefix, astro, in astrology, means star. Therefore, it should be no surprise that astrology is also related to stars! In fact, certain specific stars hold serious significance in astrology beyond the planets.

Some of these stars include Antares, Betelgeuse, Vega, Procyon, and more. It’s also why we call them “star signs” – it’s all coming together!

Jungian Psychology

25. Astrology can be linked to the practice of Tarot.

Certain practitioners combine astrology with Tarot card readings to provide deeper insights. The two are very closely linked. For example, in the Major Arcana, you will see each zodiac sign represented. Some use astrology and Tarot as a way to gain self-awareness and personal development. Again, it’s a worldwide phenomenon!

26. Astrology has, however, been heavily criticized.

Astrology has long been and continues to be heavily criticized by the scientific community.
That being said, there are still ongoing studies and projects with the goal of exploring and proving the validity of astrological phenomena and their effects! And, if believing in astrology gives you joy, why should you let anybody stop you?

Tarot Astrology

FAQs About Astrology

How accurate is astrology?

Scientifically, astrology has not been proven. There is no way to definitively determine its accuracy. That being said, millions of people are invested in studying and practicing astrology – it’s all about having faith!

What is my astrology sign?

There are 12 astrology signs in total. The way to determine your sign is by simply checking your date of birth, notably the day and the month, on a zodiac calendar. You can simply type your birth day and month into a search engine, which will tell you your astrological sign.

Which zodiac signs are soulmates?

A significant part of astrology is the belief that people of certain zodiac signs go better with some than others. For example, many believe that Tauruses go best with Virgos, Cancers go best with Scorpios, and so on. You can easily check your zodiac sign soulmate online! However, there is no need to worry if your chosen partner is not in the specific zodiac sign your sign is meant to go with.

Do you know any fun facts about Astrology? Share them in the comments below!

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