Wondering how to say the name of this wonderful city? It’s pronounced Que-eight Ci-tee.
The total land area of Kuwait City is 80 square miles (200 square kilometres)…
…that’s almost twice the size of Bristol.
Kuwait City’s population was 4.1 million in 2016…
Flag of Kuwait
…that’s more than 6 times the population of Bristol…
…and gives it a population density of around 34,738 residents per square mile.
Kuwait City is located 43 ft above sea level.
Residents of Kuwait City are known as Kuwaitis.
Kuwaitis living here enjoy a hot desert climate and lay claim to living in one of the hottest cities on Earth with an average annual temperature of 25.7°C. Amazingly, temperatures can exceed 52°C in the summer and drop to -4°C in the winter!
Looking to fly yourself to Kuwait City? You’ll need the coordinates of 29.3697° N, 47.9783° E to get there.
Make sure you visit the Kuwait Towers if you’re in Kuwait City; built in 1979, the two of the three towers feature spheres, 2 of which hold water for the city, with the 3rd (and highest sphere) containing a revolving restaurant with a magnificent view!
Social intricacies
The official language of Kuwait City is Arabic.
Kuwaiti Dinar is the official currency here.
Fancy sipping a nice cold beer in the searing heat? Well unfortunately alcohol is illegal in Kuwait, so you’ll have to stick to ‘mocktails’ or soft drinks!
Kuwait welcomed 300,000 tourists into the country in 2012, many of whom visited Kuwait City for its renowned home-grown theatre, stunning beaches and vibrant souk.
Do you know any fun or interesting facts about Kuwait City? Share them in the comments below!