North America

Would you like to learn more about North America? Check out thousands of interesting and fun facts about North America with

Facts about Salt Lake City
19 Sep

30 Super Facts About Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City is perhaps the most famous locale in Utah, US, and that’s for a variety of different reasons! For one, it has huge religious significance, as it is said to be a pivotal location in the Mormon faith. It’s also been an Olympic Games host and is one of very few regions in …
facts about New Hampshire
11 Sep

17 Fun Facts About New Hampshire

New Hampshire is filled with important history that is hard to keep track of. It’s easy to forget a thing or two when there are over 300 years of history behind a state. To refresh you, here are some interesting facts about New Hampshire… 1. There’s some pretty gusty spots up here! Mount Washington of …
facts about Alabama
2 Sep

16 Sweet Facts About Alabama

Many people outside the US will likely know the state of Alabama best from a certain Lynyrd Skynyrd song – you know the one! However, it’s one of the most fascinating states in the whole of the country for plenty of other reasons. One of the staple states of the south, chances are there are …
Interesting facts about New York
28 Aug

14 Noteworthy Facts About New York

New York, New York – it’s not just a famous song, it’s the actual location of one of the most famous cities in one of the most famous US states. This state, up in the North East, is home to some of the most iconic landmarks, locations and venues in the whole of the US. …
fun facts about central parrk
27 Aug

15 Cool Facts About Central Park, New York

Central Park is perhaps one of the biggest highlights of New York City – and it’s been standing for longer than you think! Even if you’ve been before, or visit regularly, there are still lots of things for you to learn about the park. Here are some fun facts about Central Park to help you …
fun facts about Florida
22 Aug

26 Fun Facts About Florida

Florida, known to millions as the Sunshine State, is a hugely popular holiday point for millions of people all over the world.  However, it is home to more than just Disney World and oranges! Here’s some fun facts about Florida you may not already be aware of… 1. Head to Florida for fun on the …
fun facts about Utah
30 Jul

16 Utopian Facts About Utah

Ever been to Utah? A state towards the deep west of the US, it’s home to a variety of outdoor pursuits and winter standards. In fact, it’s played host to the Winter Olympic Games in the past! But how much do you really know about the state? Here’s a stack of interesting facts about Utah …
Interesting facts about San Francisco
23 Jul

13 Sensational Facts About San Francisco

San Francisco, the famous city that’s home to the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz has been seen in countless films over the ages. It has made a name for itself all over the world and even if you haven’t had the opportunity to see it in person, you will have certainly heard of it. However, …
facts about Golden Gate Bridge
12 Jul

11 Great Facts About The Golden Gate Bridge

This Californian landmark is an iconic and breathtaking suspension bridge, but is there any more to it than that? You’re about to find out with these 11 fun facts about The Golden Gate Bridge… 1. Who designed the Golden Gate Bridge? The Golden Gate Bridge was designed by Joseph Strauss in 1917. 2. It took four years …
interesting facts about Philadelphia
11 Jun

27 Playful Facts About Philadelphia

When you hear the word Philadelphia what’s the first thing that you do? Let me guess! First you start singing Bruce Springsteen’s ‘Streets of Philadelphia’: “…Oh brother are you gonna leave me wastin’ away On the streets of Philadelphia?”… Second, when the melody starts to fade away you see Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington in …
facts about the niagara falls
28 May

11 Awe Inspiring Facts About Niagara Falls

The Niagara Falls is one of the most famous tourist destinations in the world. If you’re looking to brush up on your knowledge, this list provides all the interesting and mind-blowing facts about these spectacular waterfalls. 1. There are more than a few falls here. The Niagara Falls is in fact made up of three different …
fun facts about the Statue of Liberty
22 May

18 Little-known Facts About The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty, an iconic US national monument, welcomes approximately 4.5 million visitors every year.  If you’re considering a visit, you’ll want to learn these fun facts about Lady Liberty: 1. Lady Liberty is actually French! The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the people of the United States from the people of …
Interesting facts about Quebec
3 May

16 Fun Facts About Quebec

Quebec is one of Canada’s most fascinating historic cities, offering heritage seeping through every building and clear to see from street to street. In fact, many European visitors may feel quite at home as they walk around the city! It’s a beautiful place – but there’s likely plenty that you might not know its history!  …
fun facts about Area 51
13 Apr

15 Top Secret Facts About Area 51

What exactly is Area 51 hiding? The subject of many, many conspiracy theories – and a fairly daft attempt to ‘storm’ the government-protected site back in 2019 – the secrecy surrounding the US test facility is huge. However, it’s only so interesting to conspiracy fans across the world thanks to a certain alleged alien sighting …
interesting facts about the Empire State Building
7 Apr

10 Fun Fасtѕ About Thе Empire State Building

This is a world famous 102-story Art Deco skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. Want to find out more? Here’s some fun facts about The Empire State Building 1. It was a record-breaker. At the tіmе of building, The Empire State Building was the tallest buіldіng in thе world. 2. It’s truly massive! It …