
Discover thousands of fun and interesting facts about the world we live in – geography, famous landmarks and the oceans and seas.

fun facts about Mongolia
24 Mar

14 Fun Facts About Mongolia

Indiana Jones, dinosaurs and rally driving – Here’s some fun (and interesting) facts about Mongolia for you to learn and increase your chances of winning at the next pub quiz! 1. Mongolia is surrounded by giants. Located in east-central Asia, Mongolia is sandwiched between Russia to the North and China to the south, east and …
facts about United Arab Emirates
24 Mar

18 Unbelievable Facts About The UAE

Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, is the crowning glory of the United Arab Emirates. Apart from the massive tower, UAE is known for its flavourful dishes, decadent deserts, intricate mosques and luxurious lifestyle. These attributes continue to attract tourists from around the globe. If you’re planning to visit the country, here are …
fun facts about Hawaii
22 Mar

19 Happy Facts About Hawaii

Do you dream of visiting Hawaii? It’s part of the USA and yet it feels so distant, so alien, so separate. The state attracts millions of visitors from all corners of the world every single year, most of whom are determined to bask in the gorgeous landscape it has to offer. On the surface, Hawaii …
interesting facts about LHR London Heathrow AIrport
22 Mar

11 Fun Facts About London Heathrow Airport

Want to increase your knowledge of the UK aviation scene?  Here’s 11 fun facts about London Heathrow Airport… 1. London Heathrow Airport’s humble beginnings Heathrow started life in 1930 as a single grass runway. 2. London Heathrow Airport employs more people than you might imagine Based in West London, near Hounslow, Heathrow airport employs a staggering 76,000 people – that’s …
interesting facts about the river Thames
21 Mar

15 Thrilling Facts About The River Thames

Is there a more iconic British river than the Thames?  It runs through the heart of London, and what’s more, it plays a part in one of our most iconic backdrops. But how much do you actually know about the River Thames?  Hop on a barge and set sail for a voyage of factual discovery…. …
interesting facts about the Shard
20 Mar

18 Towering Facts About The Shard

If you’ve ever been to London before, it’s likely you’ve seen The Shard!  Even if you don’t know what goes on inside, you’ll spot it on the skyline for miles around. Here’s a stack of fun facts about The Shard, one of Europe’s tallest buildings… 1. The Shard is Tower’s Bridge next door neighbour The …
facts about USA
17 Mar

26 Uncensored Facts About The USA

If you have family or friends who live in the USA or if you’re looking to move here, take a look at these 26 fun facts about the USA and impress the locals with your quiz-busting knowledge! 1. The USA is MASSIVE The USA is a large country consisting of 50 states in North America. …
interesting facts about africa
16 Mar

56 Amazing Facts About Africa

Africa is one of the most incredible continents on the planet. A truly diverse region home to much of the world’s most famous wildlife, it is also an incredible region for commerce and culture. It’s one of the biggest continents on the globe full stop, meaning that it’s unlikely you will be able to cover …
interesting facts about Japan
16 Mar

18 Juicy Facts About Japan

Would you like to boost your knowledge of this vibrant, eastern country? Take a look at these 18 fun facts about Japan! 1. Japan is more than one island. Japan is a culturally rich archipelago of nearly 7,000 islands in east Asia… that’s right, 7,000! 2. Not all of Japan is populated. Despite containing such …
Interesting facts about Australia
14 Mar

25 Awesome Facts About Australia

Australia is home to some pretty unusual and unique wildlife, it’s outback and the Great Barrier Reef.  Thinking of planning a visit ‘down-under’ or simply looking to boost your knowledge of the world? Here’s 25 fun facts about Australia to whet your appetite! 1. Australia is really big! It’s estimated to be 2.967 million square miles …
facts about spain
13 Mar

42 Superb Facts About Spain

Bienvenidos a España (Welcome to Spain), a country full of stone castles, snow-capped mountains, vast monuments, sophisticated cities, and charming beaches – all of which have made it a favoured travel destination. Enjoying life, free time and siestas are a huge part of everyday Spanish culture. Spaniards truly know how to relax and enjoy whenever …
petra 5079826 1920
11 Mar

29 Peaceful Facts About Petra

You will probably have heard of Petra before, or perhaps heard of it under one of its many iconic names: the Lost City, the City of the Dead, the Rose City… Hidden in the mountainous desert in Southern Jordan, the ruins of this ancient city tell the story of the Nabatean people, a lost civilisation only …
facts about Lebanon
7 Mar

22 Lovely Facts About Lebanon

Sitting on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea, just 264km from Cyprus, Lebanon is a prosperous country in Western Asia.  Read on to learn some fun facts about Lebanon: 1. Lebanon has a few neighbours Located on the continent of Asia, Lebanon is bordered by Syria to the north and east and Israel to the …
facts about the bermuda triangle
6 Mar

27 Baffling Facts About The Bermuda Triangle

Are you a mystery fan? If you are, you’ve probably heard, read, or watched a movie about the fascinating Bermuda Triangle! Unexplained disappearances, alleged UFOs, geomagnetic anomalies are just a few of the mysterious tales about this infamous zone. Whether for natural or unnatural reasons, the Triangle is well known for extremely violent and unexpected …
facts about the mariana trench
5 Mar

25 Mega Facts About The Mariana Trench

Is there anywhere as deep or as majestic as the Mariana Trench? This colossal expanse of oceanic mystery has been the source of multiple deep sea investigations over the years, and as such, it’s still regarded as one of the most fascinating sources of diverse marine life. To this day, explorers are continuing to scale …