
Discover thousands of fun and interesting facts about the world we live in – geography, famous landmarks and the oceans and seas.

Interesting facts about Niger
22 Jun

18 Noteworthy Facts about Niger

Are you reading up on the history of Africa – and are intrigued by some of the communities across this enormous continent? Great news – here are some fun facts about Niger that you’ll want to remember. 1. The river named the country! Niger is a country that’s actually named after a river – the …
interesting facts about Lilongwe
21 Jun

14 Enlightening Facts about Lilongwe

Lilongwe is the capital city of Malawi – and is fairly curious in that it is split into two separate parts! It’s pronounced li-lawng-wey – and it’s thought to be one of the friendliest cities in Africa. Keep reading to get your fill of fun facts about Lilongwe and to show off some serious global …
interesting facts about Chișinău
19 Jun

12 Cool Facts About Chișinău

Chișinău is the capital city of Moldova. Despite having a fairly turbulent history, the city has made huge strides and achievements in the sciences, horticulture and engineering! A university city, Chișinău has earned a fantastic reputation for education and innovation. It’s gorgeous to behold, too – here are some fun facts about Chișinău to clue …
Facts about the Oregon Trail
18 Jun

9 Awesome Facts about The Oregon Trail

Known for being one of the most important routes connecting the east to the west in the US during pioneer times, the Oregon Trail has a rich and fascinating history. So, let’s dive into nine fun facts about the Oregon Trail to clue you in to how it all went down! 1. And I would …
interesting facts about Djibouti
16 Jun

10 Dramatic Facts about Djibouti

Djibouti is a relatively small African nation, found nestled between Eritrea and Somalia. In fact, it’s the third-smallest country on the whole of the continent! In this guide, we’ll take you through a few fun facts about Djibouti that might just surprise you further. Read on! 1. We’re not kidding on the size! Only Swaziland …
Interesting facts about Cockney rhyming slang
15 Jun

10 Fun Facts about Cockney Rhyming Slang

Cor blimey, love a duck! Down the apples and pears – what does it all mean? Many of us think of London when rhyming slang comes to mind – and that’s mainly thanks to Cockney speak having led the way for creative language! Let’s take a look at some fun facts about rhyming slang worth …
interesting facts about Dominica
13 Jun

10 Dynamic Facts About Dominica

Found in the eastern Caribbean sea, Dominica is a tiny island nation, nestled between the islands of Guadeloupe, Martinique, and Marie Galante. This tropical paradise is the dream destination of many an intrepid adventurer thanks to its pristine forests, warm waters, and impressive volcanic scenery! These fun facts about Dominica are sure to enchant you …
facts about Miami
8 Jun

10 Marvellous Facts about Miami

Miami is the seventh-largest metropolitan area in the whole United States of America, and you’ll find it on the west coast of Florida. This popular holiday destination draws thousands of visitors annually thanks to its fabulous beaches, great climate and its reputation for hospitality! Read on for some fun facts about Miami that might just …
Interesting facts about Liberia
7 Jun

10 Illuminating Facts about Liberia

Liberia is a captivating country filled with rich culture, fascinating flora and fauna, and a turbulent history. With a beautiful Atlantic coastline and bordering Guinea, Ivory Coast, and Sierra Leone on the western coast of Africa, there’s plenty to see and do! Let’s learn some fun facts about Liberia. 1. Liberia, the land of the …
Attilan Lake view, Guatemala
3 Jun

14 Grand Facts about Guatemala

Guatemala is one of only a handful of countries with capital cities named the same! Guatemala City is the biggest city in the country, too – and since 1776, it’s been through its fair share of disasters and cultural moments. As the financial core of the country, too, its importance really can’t be understated! Here …
Fun Facts about Crete
2 Jun

10 Cheerful Facts about Crete

Crete is one of Greece’s most famous island resorts – but did you know that it’s home to more than just sandy beaches and wonderful weather? Crete is absolutely ripe for history and mythology dating back centuries – meaning that it’s always likely to be a major draw for history buffs as well as sunshine …
facts about Tasmania
30 May

24 Terrific Facts About Tasmania

While many people will likely have heard of Tasmania thanks to its famous ‘devil’, the island actually has a rich and intriguing history, as one of the oldest territories in the Australian Federation. Did you know that Tasmania is actually one of the biggest islands in the world? It’s thought that Aborigines have been here …
Castle Geyser
29 May

29 Warm Facts about Wyoming

Have you ever been to Wyoming before? Known for its peaks, desert sands and more, it’s a state with a rich and varied history. If you’ve taken a look at our fact files before, you’ll know that we love diving deep into facts about US states. Wyoming just happens to be one of the most …
Interesting facts about Turkmenistan
28 May

16 Tremendous Facts about Turkmenistan

Want to learn some interesting facts about the countries of the world? Take a look at these 20 fun facts about Turkmenistan… 1. Where is Turkmenistan? Turkmenistan is an often overlooked but highly cultural country in Central Asia. It is bordered by Kazakhstan to the northwest, Uzbekistan to the north and east, Afghanistan to the southeast …
interesting facts about Longleat
26 May

12 Lovely Facts about Longleat

Longleat, located in Wiltshire towards the South of England, remains one of the most curious public attractions in the UK. Technically a stately home, the estate also comprises of an exclusive safari park, meaning that visitors will be able to spy wild animals as well as to take a tour of English aristocratic history. The …