
Check out thousands of fascinating, interesting and fun facts about the continent of Asia: its countries, capital cities, landmarks, and history – all here at

interesting facts about Kuala Lumpur
29 Nov

14 Key Facts About Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur remains one of the most magnificent capital cities of the East. The weather’s humid, the skyline’s lit up, and the marketplace is bustling! Here are some fun facts about Kuala Lumpur to help inspire a future visit. 1. Where is Kuala Lumpur? Kuala Lumpur is the capital city of Malaysia. It’s also the country’s …
interesting facts about Kazakhstan
26 Nov

15 Kooky Facts About Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is a marvellous country found way out east – and while it may have been brought to Westerners’ attentions through the comedy movie Borat, there’s a lot more to Kazakhstan than you think. Here are some fun facts about Kazakhstan to clue up on! 1. Let’s not beat around the bush – Kazakhstan is …
interesting facts about Afghanistan
21 Nov

16 Astonishing Facts About Afghanistan

Afghanistan is a fascinating and beautiful country! Sadly, in recent years, it has been marred by violence – but with both a history rich in tradition and an ambitious, modern approach to the future, here are some fun facts about Afghanistan worth remembering. 1. It’s nowhere near the sea. Afghanistan is a landlocked country, situated …
Downtown Ulaanbaatar
15 Nov

14 Unbelievable Facts About Ulaanbaatar

Like to know a little more about the capital cities of the world and better your chances of being crowned the next pub quiz champion? Take a look at these fun facts about Ulaanbaatar! 1. Where on Earth is Ulaanbaatar? Ulaanbaatar is the capital city of Mongolia. 2. It’s a bit of a mouthful. Wondering …
Facts About the Bullet Train
12 Nov

11 High-Speed Facts About The Bullet Train

Ever ridden a train quite as speedy as the Bullet Train? It’s a stunning feat of engineering, and what’s more, millions rely on the technology day after day. Here’s 11 fun facts about the Bullet Train to inspire a visit of your own! 1. What’s the official name of the Bullet Train? The bullet train …
interesting facts about Nepal
28 Oct

16 Noteworthy Facts About Nepal

If you’re lucky enough to be moving to the Himalayas or you have friends or family that live on the shores of the Ganges, take a look at these 16 fun facts about Nepal and impress the locals with your extensive knowledge! 1. Where is Nepal? Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia. It …
interesting facts about Turkey
26 Oct

17 Terrific Facts About Turkey

Looking to learn some interesting facts about the countries of the world? Impress your friends with your knowledge with these 17 fun facts about Turkey! 1. Where is Turkey? Turkey is a beautiful and ancient country in both Eastern Europe and Western Asia. It is bordered by Bulgaria to the northwest, Georgia to the northeast, …
interesting facts about South Korea
25 Oct

15 Key Facts About South Korea

South Korea is an increasingly popular country with tourists from all over the world! They’re taking over the pop charts with K-Pop music, and they’ve made their mark on multiple Olympic Games. The stunning city of Seoul alone is well worth visiting alone! South Korea, also known as the Republic, is a rapidly-growing country which, …
interesting facts about Taiwan
23 Oct

16 Tantalising Facts About Taiwan

Learn some interesting facts about the countries of the world, impress your friends and increase your chances at the next pub quiz with these 16 fun facts about Taiwan! 1. Where is Taiwan? Taiwan is a small island nation in East Asia. Its nearest countries are China to the west and north-west, South Korea and …
Satellite image of the South China Sea
14 Oct

12 Curious Facts About The South China Sea

The South China Sea is a magnificent aquatic expanse! It’s well-known for its many different species of marine animal – however, it’s also well-known for being fairly disputed-over, which has sadly led to some controversy over the years. It’s all to do with shipping, fishing and oil – so what’s the score with the South …
facts about the terracotta army
30 Sep

23 Terrific Facts About The Terracotta Army

The Terracotta Army is a world-renowned site, usually busy with visitors from all around the world. Did you know that the Terracotta Army warriors wear different uniforms and that each warrior has unique facial features and hairstyles? Let’s do a bit of excavation ourselves with these fun facts about the Terracotta Army…, 1. It’s a …
interesting facts about Singapore
28 Sep

50 Sensational Facts About Singapore

This city-state is one of the world’s most popular travel destinations! Officially known as the Republic of Singapore, the country symbolizes a melting pot of culture and history and an extravaganza of culinary delights. Singapore is one of the world’s most prosperous countries, a financial centre, and achievement in urban planning. To see why this …
interesting facts about india 1
26 Sep

16 Interesting Facts About India

India is a truly magnificent corner of the world – brimming with gorgeous architecture, incredible history, and intriguing cultural touches. Let’s take a look at a few fun facts about India to whet your appetite for a trip! 1. India is massive! India is the seventh biggest country in the world and the second most …
interesting facts about Islamabad
24 Sep

13 Interesting Facts About Islamabad

Like to know a little more about the capital cities of the world and increase your chances of being crowned pub quiz champion? Take a look at these 13 fun facts about Islamabad! 1. Where is Islamabad? Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan. 2. It rolls off the tongue! Wondering how to say the …
facts about Indonesia
9 Sep

16 Interesting Facts About Indonesia

Indonesia is an amazing hotbed of curious wildlife and cultural experiences – and it’s often pretty hot in itself! Sometimes referred to as the ‘Lost World’, Indonesia remains a hugely popular location for animal spotters and deep sea divers alike. Here’s some seriously fun facts about Indonesia! 1. It’s a polyglot nation. Indonesia’s language coverage …