
Check out thousands of fascinating, interesting and fun facts about the continent of Asia: its countries, capital cities, landmarks, and history – all here at

Pearl Harbor Bombing
16 Mar

13 Engaging Facts About Pearl Harbor

We’ve all heard that the attack of Pearl Harbor was the world changing event which brought America into the Second World War, but is there anything else you need to know about it? It’s about time you found out with these fascinating facts about Pearl Harbor. 1. It was one of the final disasters of …
Qutang Gorge, Yangtze River
13 Mar

12 Ravishing Facts About The Yangtze River

The Yangtze River is regarded as one of the most important trade routes in the east – it’s impressively long, and its history is rich with all kinds of interesting moments. In the modern age, it’s struggled a little with pollution – but many are keen to try and bring the waterway back to its …
Mt Fuji
9 Mar

12 Towering Facts About Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji’s more than just a mountain – it’s an active volcano! This natural behemoth, found out in Japan, is a massive draw for tourists from all over the world. What’s more, this towering beauty also holds much religious and spiritual significance to many people. Here are some fun facts about Mount Fuji to marvel …
facts about the Bay of Bengal
16 Feb

14 Brilliant Facts about the Bay of Bengal

The Bay of Bengal is something of an international, natural treasure based out east – its beauty is shared by many different territories! However, there’s more to the Bay of Bengal than meets the eye – it’s a huge fishing spot, for one thing! Here are some fun facts about the Bay of Bengal you …
interesting facts about Yerevan
8 Feb

13 Intriguing Facts About Yerevan

Like to know a little more about the capital cities of the world? Take a look at these fun facts about Yerevan! 1. Where is Yerevan? Yerevan is the capital city of Armenia. 2. Here’s the lingo… Wondering how to say the name of this wonderful city? It’s pronounced Yer-eh-vann. 3. It’s a fairly average-sized …
interesting facts about Baku
5 Feb

13 Brilliant Facts About Baku

Like to know a little more about the capital cities of the world? Take a look at these 13 fun facts about Baku! 1. Where is Baku? Baku is the capital city of Azerbaijan. 2. Here’s what to say. Wondering how to say the name of this wonderful city? It’s pronounced Bah-koo. 3. It’s massive …
interesting facts about Laos
17 Jan

17 Lovely Facts About Laos

Fancy boosting your knowledge of this truly fascinating country? Take a look at these 17 fun facts about Laos! 1. Laos is pretty unique. Laos is a mountainous, landlocked country in Southeast Asia. In fact, it is the only landlocked country in Southeast Asia! 2. Laos has been independent since 1954. Previously under French rule, Laos …
facts about mount everest
15 Jan

14 Major Facts About Mount Everest

Mount Everest is one of the most commanding natural peaks on the planet – it really does have a big reputation to work up to! As such, there are plenty of interesting figures and statistics about the mountain that are worth remembering. Here are some fun facts about Mount Everest you might want to remember …
Tibet Facts
12 Jan

17 Thrilling Facts About Tibet

Tibet is well-known for its incredible natural beauty and its rich Buddhist history – it has come under some controversy over the years with regard to its relationship with China, however, Tibet remains a mountainous, truly breath-taking region well worth enjoying. Here are some fun facts about Tibet that might just impress you. 1. The …
facts about baghdad
10 Jan

28 Brave Facts About Baghdad

Despite the conflicts and controversies, Baghdad remains a city with incredible history and plenty of interesting sights. It has sadly taken up much of the news in the past 20 to 30 years as a result of military action, however, it is still a hugely important city for Iraq. Here are some fun facts about …
Facts about Bali
16 Dec

22 Blissful Facts About Bali

Ever been on vacation to Bali before? There are plenty of reasons why you should make a beeline for these islands! There are also likely to be plenty of things about this island that will surprise you. It’s safe to say this is likely to be a hotspot with lots of history and intrigue worth …
interesting facts about the Mekong
10 Dec

11 Riveting Facts About The Mekong River

Flowing right through the heart of Southeast Asia and six different countries, the Mekong River is one of the world’s greatest waterways. It’s home to a wide range of unique wildlife, cultures and landscapes. Ready to whet your appetite for knowledge? Here’s a few fun facts about The Mekong River: 1. The Mekong is pretty …
interesting facts about Azerbasijan
9 Dec

17 Awe-Inspiring Facts About Azerbaijan

Looking to boost your local knowledge of this beautiful country? Take a look at these fun facts about Azerbaijan! 1. Where is Azerbaijan? Azerbaijan is a beautiful and historical country in Asia. It is bordered by Georgia and Russia to the north, Iran to the south and Armenia and Turkey to the west. It has …
facts about the Ganges
8 Dec

14 Gorgeous Facts about The Ganges

The River Ganges is considered one of the holiest rivers on Earth. It’s extremely important to followers of the Hindu faith. But how much do you know about this body of water, and how long has it been a staple of worship? Let’s take a look at some fun facts about the Ganges that might …
interesting facts about Ankara
4 Dec

13 Awesome Facts About Ankara

Like to know a little more about the capital cities of the world? Take a look at these fun facts about Ankara! 1. Where is Ankara, anyway? Ankara is the capital city of Turkey. 2. Here’s the perfect pronunciation. Wondering how to say the name of this wonderful city? It’s pronounced An-kur-ruh. 3. It’s a …