year of the rabbit fun facts

1975 Jaws
22 Apr

What Happened in 1975?

Let’s take a look back at 1975. Jaws had us all terrified to go into the water. The Rocky Horror Picture Show was making us all do the Time Warp Again, and Monty Python had us all cackling like crazy people! But it was also a year of extraordinary political changes and even some earth-shattering …
Millenium Bug y2k
30 Jan

What Happened in 1999?

As the last year of the 20th century, 1999 was one that was full of promise and expectations. And, far more happened than the human race was probably expecting! From big political changes, including new kings and presidents, to world-shaking tragedies including earthquakes and crashes, 1999 is not a year history will soon forget. Above …
Red Chinese lanterns for New Year
25 Nov

10 Charming Facts About Chinese New Year

Did you know that you can celebrate New Year twice in the space of 12 months? Chinese New Year takes place around the start of February, and has been celebrated for centuries – and not just in China! It’s a time for harnessing good luck and encouraging positive energy. Here are some fun facts about …