Winter fun facts

facts about Aquarius
29 Dec

14 Amazing Facts About Aquarius

If you were born between the dates of January 19th and February 19th, you’re one of the lucky ones! This means you’re an Aquarius, or the water carrier. You’re a water sign and are known for your unique qualities and interesting flaws. Here are some of the most frequently common facts about Aquarius, and who …
17 May

10 Chilly Facts about Snow

Snow is something you either love or hate! You either can’t stand the cold, being blocked on your way by icy roads and the general wetness of it, or you love the beauty of it all. Either way, many of us have had the fortune of experiencing snow in our lives – but what’s the …
facts about snowboarding
23 Jan

21 Sensational Facts About Snowboarding

There is nothing like shredding the slopes with your snowboard, your crew, and the fresh powder on the mountains! It’s amazing to experience the speed, adrenalin, and feel the sun and wind on your face as you come down the mountain. Snowboarding has come a long way since its creation in the 1960s. Since then …
Fun Facts about February
30 Dec

26 Fabulous Facts About February

February is a month crammed with plenty of surprises. It’s the shortest month of the year, but for many people in the northern hemisphere, it remains one of the coldest. It’s that bridge between winter and spring that many people are likely to look forward to melting away! However, poor February often gets a bad …
Mince Pie Facts
19 Dec

14 Festive Facts About Mince Pies

Mince pies is a British treat that has a bit of an odd name – many believe it to be a savoury cake, but these days, it’s a fruity, rich delight that people generally enjoy over the Christmas period. Believe it or not, there’s some fascinating history behind these pies – so let’s take a …
facts about avalanches
29 Nov

11 Awesome Facts About Avalanches

Avalanches are natural hazards occurring in certain parts of the world during certain weather conditions. They can be triggered by several events and cause damage to property as well as injuries or even death – so it’s always a good idea to try and stay well away! In any case, here are some fun facts …
Frosty looking January setting
19 Nov

12 Jubilant Facts About January

January is a very important month in our western calendar – it’s the start of a New Year, and for many of us, that means writing up all kinds of resolutions and starting new habits after the festive season. However, the month also has some incredible history to it – here are some fun facts …
interesting facts about Christmas
15 Nov

13 Captivating Facts About Christmas

Christmas is the time of year in the Christian calendar when families come together to really appreciate each other and to celebrate this festive period with gifts and food. Here’s some fun facts about Christmas! 1. Armenian Christmases have interesting menus! In Armenia, the traditional Christmas Eve meal consists of fried fish, lettuce and spinach. …
Mistletoe facts
2 Nov

10 Marvellous Facts about Mistletoe

Holly, ivy, Christmas trees… Mistletoe! As the winter holidays approach, we’ll be seeing more and more of these iconic plants. Mistletoe is known for its romantic traditions when welcomed into our homes, but did you know that it is a parasitic plant and thus not exactly welcomed by its original hosts? Even though we readily …
ice hockey facts
12 Oct

33 Happy Facts About Ice Hockey

Have you ever played or watched a professional hockey game? If you have you’re probably familiar with its basic rules and dynamics. With its speed and its frequent physical contact, ice hockey has become one of the most popular international sports. The game is an Olympic sport, and worldwide there are more than a million …
facts about winter
9 Oct

15 Solid Facts About Winter

Winter is likely to be many people’s favourite time of the year. While it can get bitterly cold depending on where you are in the world, it is also the time of year in the northern hemisphere for Christmas and New Year celebrations. What’s more, there’s nothing quite like taking a stroll through snowy trails …
fun facts about December
7 Oct

36 Dazzling Facts About December

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” Sing along! December, that time of year when storefronts are festooned with holiday decorations and Christmas spirit! It’s a month of festivities, joy, and family reunions. December is also a month of one year’s closure and a time when we start preparing our New Year’s resolution list. …
fun facts about skiing
29 Aug

13 Spectacular Facts About Skiing

Ever been skiing before? It’s likely to be some of the best fun you can have with snow – short of building snowmen, we’d wager! However, skiing remains a massively exhilarating and exciting pursuit. It can take some time for you to learn how to master the sticks and skis, however, once you hit the …
Fun Facts about Blizzards
20 Jul

9 Fun Facts About Blizzards

You’re unlikely to pay much attention to blizzards unless you’re getting struck by one! Here’s some fun facts about blizzards, and how extraordinary and deadly they can be at the same time… 1. What classifies as a blizzard? It is only considered blizzard conditions if the winds are in excess of 35 miles per hour, …
interesting facts about Stonehenge
7 Apr

11 Fun Facts About Stonehenge

From the Giant’s Causeway to the Pyramids, mysterious places have survived hundreds, if not thousands of years, all around the world; and despite its less than appealing motorway-adjacent location, Stonehenge is nothing if not an unsolved enigma, not least because experts are still unable to understand why it was built! With some historical groups of …