Vatican City fun facts

facts about the sistine chapel 3
12 May

10 Scintillating Facts About The Sistine Chapel

The Sistine Chapel is no ordinary place of worship – it’s a genuine work of art! In fact, millions come from all over the world just to witness its beauty. But how much do you really know about this famous staple of Renaissance architecture? Here are some fun facts about the Sistine Chapel to fill …
Facts about St. Peter's Basilica
21 Apr

10 Sturdy Facts about St. Peter’s Basilica

Did you know that St. Peter’s Basilica is the largest church on the planet? This mighty Renaissance building remains one of the most fascinating landmarks in Europe, found deep in the heart of the tiny Vatican City. Here are some more fun facts about St. Peter’s Basilica you’ll want to take note of. 1. Where …
Fun facts about Vatican City
5 Sep

17 Virtuous Facts About Vatican City

Looking to boost your local knowledge of this unique little country? Take a look at these interesting facts about Vatican City! 1. What exactly is The Vatican City? Vatican City, also known as ‘Holy See’, is a landlocked city-state in Europe.  It is bordered solely, and entirely, by the city of Rome in Italy. 2. …
interesting facts about UNESCO
21 Jul

13 Unbelievable Facts About UNESCO

We live in an increasing and fascinating world!  Thanks to the work of groups such as UNESCO, our rich history and heritage remains preserved for generations to come.  But what does UNESCO actually do?  As an introduction, here are some interesting facts about UNESCO: 1. Why was UNESCO founded? UNESCO’s aim is, ultimately, to promote …
interesting facts about Italy
20 Feb

18 Interesting Facts About Italy

Whether you hail from this stunning country or you’re looking to take a vacation here, brush up on your local knowledge with these 18 fun facts about Italy! 1. Italy benefits from land and sea borders Italy is a beautiful and culturally rich country in Europe. It is bordered by Switzerland and Austria to the north, …