USSR fun facts

Vladimir Lenin
24 Jan

10 Revolutionary Facts about Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Lenin was known for being one of the most influential people of the 20th century, and with good reason. As one of the founders of the Soviet Union, to this day, Lenin’s legacy is one of great controversy and debate – and, if you know anything at all about Russian history, it’s that its …
9 Jan

10 Crucial Facts About Communism

Communism is a word that’s thrown around a lot – and there’s likely more to this governmental model than you might expect. Many people are aware of communism through the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union. However, it’s a model that’s used in various territories to controversial effect. To help clue you …
leon trotsky
3 Jan

9 Lethal Facts About Leon Trotsky

If you know anything about the history of communism and the Russian Revolution, then you’ve probably heard of Leon Trotsky. Best known for being Vladimir Lenin’s right-hand man during the rise of the Bolsheviks and the overthrow of Tsarism in Russia, Trotsky would eventually come up against the might of Josef Stalin – but there’s …
the russian revolution
28 Nov

10 Roaring Facts about the Russian Revolution

Russia is a nation with a tumultuous history, one that’s still ongoing – and one of the landmark moments in the country’s past is the Russian Revolution, which took place during World War I. During a period of intensive revolution against the Tsarist regime, Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin took over the state and eventually …
Fun Facts about Sputnik
14 Mar

12 Out Of This World Facts about Sputnik 1

In 1957, the world was changed forever with the launch of Sputnik, the first artificial satellite to be sent into space. This achievement by the Soviet Union marked the beginning of the Space Age and sparked fierce competition between the US and the USSR in the realm of space exploration. Here are 12 fascinating facts …
Cold War Facts
11 Jan

12 Chilly Facts about The Cold War

The effects of the Cold War between east and west still ripple on to this day. This decades-long feud was more than just warfare – it was a chilly stalemate that changed international relations for good. Here are some interesting facts about the Cold War to help clue you in. 1. What was the Cold …
Interesting facts about the KGB
29 Mar

13 Top Secret Facts About The KGB

The fact is, there aren’t too many facts about Russia’s one-time top security service – as it was as closely-guarded an organization as you can get. It also remains one of the most controversial aspects of Russia’s recent history. The Cold War was a tense time for civilians both across the US, the UK and …
Sketch of Leo Tolstoy
19 Mar

12 Top Facts About Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy is thought to be the most famous Russian author known outside of his homeland. His books have been read globally as well as being made into plays and films over decades! Critics, theorists, historians and romantics have read his work over many, many years – and his take on realistic fiction is regarded as …
soldiers fighting in world war 2
20 Jan

15 Interesting Facts about WW2

Known as the Second Great War, World War II – or WW2 for short – is regarded as one of the most devastating conflicts of the past few centuries. It’s infamous for having started on the back of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party’s rise to power in Germany, their persecution and murder of Jewish …
8 Oct

26 Rare Facts About The USSR

For decades, the USSR was a behemoth force to be reckoned with in terms of global politics and warfare. Starting with the Bolshevik revolution, the rise of the Soviet Union took place across Russia and Europe’s Eastern bloc over what almost amounted to a century. During this time, some of the most shocking political events …
interesting facts about Uzbekistan
2 Aug

43 Unique Facts About Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is a double landlocked country in Asia – it requires the crossing of at least two national borders to reach a coastline! Its capital, Tashkent, has a multi-ethnic population, with the majority ethnic Uzbeks. In this fact file, we’ve prepared 43 fun facts about Uzbekistan, a country at the crossroads of the world’s cultures, that’ll give you an …
interesting facts about Russia
22 Feb

15 Rip-Roaring Facts About Russia

If you’d like to impress your Russian friends with your local knowledge and increase your chances of being crowned the next pub quiz champion, take a look at these 15 fun facts about Russia! 1. Russia is absolutely massive Russia is a huge country spanning both Europe and Asia! It is bordered by Norway and …