Tower fun facts

facts about Tokyo Tower
30 Jun

10 Top Facts About Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower is undoubtedly one of the most famous buildings in the whole of Japan – and its fame has extended far and wide. The tower is also an important symbol of the country and its changes following the war. But how much do you know about Japan’s most famous tower? Here are some fun …
facts about the tower of london
25 Feb

8 Tantalizing Facts About The Tower of London

The Tower of London is perhaps one of the most famous landmarks in the city, if not in the whole of the UK. It has something of a macabre history to it as an executor’s point – thankfully, we’ve moved into enlightened times! The King will no longer send criminals up to the Tower for …
interesting facts about the leaning tower of pisa
10 Aug

15 Slightly Wonky Facts About The Leaning Tower of Pisa

One of Italy’s most famous landmarks, and the launchpad for a million quirky and funny photos, the Leaning Tower of Pisa is a marvel which has fascinated people for centuries. In fact, it’s likely been around for longer than many people can imagine! But what else is there to learn about the Leaning Tower beyond …
interesting facts about Tower Bridge
1 Jul

20 Terrific Facts About Tower Bridge

Built to make it easier for people to cross the River Thames, Tower Bridge is one of London’s most iconic structures and features a central section that opens to permit ships to pass. Here’s some fun facts about Tower Bridge: 1. It took a good part of a decade to bring Tower Bridge to life. …
interesting facts about the Eiffel Tower
27 Jan

28 Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower or La Tour Eiffel in French is one of the world’s most recognizable landmarks. It was designed as the showpiece of the 1889 World’s Fair in Paris in remembrance of the French Revolution’s centennial as well as to show off France’s modern mechanical know-how on a global scale. Mission accomplished! For a closer look …