Seas fun facts

Fun Facts about the Black Sea
26 Feb

12 Spectacular Facts about The Black Sea

One of the largest seas in the world, the Black Sea is a major body of water that connects many of the major European rivers together. It borders multiple European countries and is therefore seen as something of a major border cross-continent. How much do you know about the Black Sea? Is it safe to …
Fun Facts about The Dead Sea
8 Feb

12 Salty Facts About The Dead Sea

With a name like The Dead Sea, how could we miss it out? That’s what we thought, so we put pen to paper to create a list of fun facts about the Dead Sea that are sure to have you talking and Googling for days. 1. The Dead Sea is seriously salty. The Dead Sea …
Satellite image of the South China Sea
14 Oct

12 Curious Facts About The South China Sea

The South China Sea is a magnificent aquatic expanse! It’s well-known for its many different species of marine animal – however, it’s also well-known for being fairly disputed-over, which has sadly led to some controversy over the years. It’s all to do with shipping, fishing and oil – so what’s the score with the South …
Facts about the Adriatic Sea
23 Sep

23 Astonishing Facts About The Adriatic Sea

The Adriatic Sea sparkles calm and clear, with an intoxicating blue colour.  Warm, and yet refreshing and peaceful enough to hear your own thoughts by the shore! The tamest beaches are made of round pebbles, and the wildest one of rocks, thus the beautiful see-through water. But that’s not all! There’s so much more to …
The Sinai Coast, Red Sea
10 Sep

13 Remarkable Facts About The Red Sea

Ever traveled to the Red Sea before?  This fascinating body of water is likely to be one of the most traveled on the planet, however, there is plenty about the sea that many people may not be aware of.  Its shoreline shares between multiple countries across the Middle East, and as such, it’s an important …
facts about the north sea
12 Jun

14 Nautical Facts About The North Sea

As dangerous as it is bountiful, the North Sea might pique your interest for a number of reasons. On the smaller side, it makes up for it by being a renewable energy producing gem and is valued for its abundance of fish and its unique tourism. A true Jack of all Trades, the North Sea …
interesting facts about the Mediterranean Sea
7 Apr

15 Mind-Blowing Facts About The Mediterranean Sea

It’s the warm and calm holiday destination we all know and love, but how much do we know about what lies outside the resorts? Let’s take a look at these fun facts about the Mediterranean Sea that will be on the tip of your tongue from the moment you hear them. 1. The Med is …
interesting facts about SCUBA diving
9 Mar

29 Seriously Fun Facts About Scuba Diving

Did you know that scuba diving is one of the fastest extreme sports on the rise in the world today? With over 6 million active divers in the world, SCUBA diving is one of the world’s favourite leisure activities. If you’re new to this fantastic sport or are considering trying, here are 29 fun facts …
facts about the mariana trench
5 Mar

25 Mega Facts About The Mariana Trench

Is there anywhere as deep or as majestic as the Mariana Trench? This colossal expanse of oceanic mystery has been the source of multiple deep sea investigations over the years, and as such, it’s still regarded as one of the most fascinating sources of diverse marine life. To this day, explorers are continuing to scale …
interesting facts about Coral Reefs
2 Mar

13 Colourful Facts About Coral Reefs

If you’ve never swum deep into the oceans before, you may not have come across gorgeous coral reefs.  These natural ‘sea forests’ are hugely important to the lives of millions of aquatic life swimming in and out of their various nooks and crannies. Sadly, they are under threat now more so than ever before.  Here …