Sea fun facts

facts about the Caspian Sea
31 Aug

10 Capricious Facts about the Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea is legendary for its ancient history, its wide expanse, and its alleged riches. Yet, it remains a very mysterious place to this day! Many of us do not understand why it is considered a sea, what lies in the blue waters, or whether or not the stories of sunken treasure are always …
facts about Rainbow Trout
15 Nov

14 Interesting Facts About Rainbow Trout

Better wear some shades – the rainbow trout’s swimming upstream! No, this famous fish isn’t exactly every shade of the rainbow, but it’s so-called thanks to the fact that it’s more colourful than most. This super-diverse and eye-catching critter is full of surprises, too! Here are some fun facts about rainbow trout you might not …
interesting facts about the tide
11 Nov

9 Timely Facts About The Tide

It comes in and out like a metronome, but is there more to tides than meets the eye? Turns out there’s more than you could ever imagine… Let’s take a look at these fun facts about the tide: 1. What causes the tide? The tides are caused by a combination of the Earth’s rotation and the …
Satellite image of the South China Sea
14 Oct

12 Curious Facts About The South China Sea

The South China Sea is a magnificent aquatic expanse! It’s well-known for its many different species of marine animal – however, it’s also well-known for being fairly disputed-over, which has sadly led to some controversy over the years. It’s all to do with shipping, fishing and oil – so what’s the score with the South …