Power fun facts

batteries header
30 Oct

10 Powerful Facts about Batteries

We all use batteries on most days! From our TV remotes and toys to smoke detectors and even our car keys, it’s hard to deny how useful these portable power providers have become over the decades. Batteries effectively let us take electricity on the move – something millions of us take for granted if you …
facts about electricity
29 Mar

10 Electric Facts about Electricity

We all need electricity. It has become as vital as air to us in this modern age! Everything runs on electricity, including our own bodies! Yet, how much do you know about the flow of electrical charge? Here are some super fun facts about electricity! 1. Are you getting any static? If you have had …
facts about the wind
22 Dec

14 Willowy Facts About The Wind

We’ve all felt the wind blow at one time or another – but how much do you actually know about this weather phenomenon? Do you know what causes the wind, or how you can measure it? Right here, we’ll take a look at some fun facts about the wind, and all the science behind it! …
interesting facts about solar energy
10 Dec

9 Sunny Facts About Solar Energy

The way in which the world uses power is always changing. For decades, we’ve been dependent on fossil fuels. That is, fuel which comes from our oceans and from the ground. However, major pushes to go greener – and to look for sources of renewable fuel – have been picking up in a big way. …
interesting facts about Nuclear Energy
26 Oct

12 Interesting Facts About Nuclear Energy

There are many different ways to generate power.  While there is a growing focus on clean energy and renewable sources, nuclear power is commonly used all over the world. There are plenty of facts and figures we should all pay attention to when it comes to nuclear energy and power, and we’re here to share …