Politics fun facts

facts about Winston Churchill
27 Dec

16 Victorious Facts About Winston Churchill

Perhaps known as one of the most enduring figures of British culture, Sir Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister during the Second World War. He is often credited with leading the British to victory alongside the Allies against Nazi Germany. But were you paying enough attention in history class? How much do you know about …
22 Dec

15 Fascinating Facts About Fidel Castro

Controversial in some quarters, effective in others, it is safe to say that Cuban leader Fidel Castro was nothing short of an ambitious and legendary figure – whether you supported him or opposed him. Here are some fun facts about Fidel Castro you may not be aware of! 1. When was Castro born? Fidel Castro …
Bill Clinton
17 Dec

16 Brilliant Facts About Bill Clinton

William Jefferson Clinton – Bill to just about everyone – was US President for two terms, leader of the country from 1993 through to 2001. He was a Democrat President, having served following two Republicans – George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan – and ahead of another, George W Bush. Clinton’s time in office was …
facts about oliver cromwell
8 Dec

11 Opulent Facts About Oliver Cromwell

Oliver Cromwell was the man who helped to overturn the monarchy – for a time, anyway. He’s much-maligned by some for having been the man who banned Christmas! For a time, Cromwell and his son revolutionized the United Kingdom – however, it wasn’t to last. Here are some fun facts about Oliver Cromwell to help …
facts about Barack Obama
26 Oct

21 Brilliant Facts About Barack Obama

After Bush Jr, and before Trump, there was President Obama. Each US President brings in big changes from one administration to the next – and Barack Obama was well-known for making sweeping changes to US society which, for the most part, were reasonably popular! Of course, all presidents have their critics – though Obama, the …
facts about guy fawkes
7 Oct

24 Explosive Facts About Guy Fawkes

We’re all well aware of the plot element in the film V for Vendetta and the use of Guy Fawkes’ masks. After the film, the Guy Fawkes’ masks have become a universally known symbol of protest used among various groups. The masks both conceal the identity of the protestants and demonstrate their commitment to a …
Facts on Greenpeace
27 Sep

19 Protective Facts About Greenpeace

Greenpeace is an international organization dedicated to preserving endangered species of animals, preventing environmental abuses, and increasing environmental awareness. Using non-violent creative actions, it paves the way towards a greener, more peaceful world. Despite its values, Forbes magazine has described its systems as an impressive business model, although the organization is currently holding a non-profit …
facts about gandhi
14 Jul

36 Glorious Facts About Gandhi

Admired for his nonviolent viewpoint of passive confrontation, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was known to his many followers as Mahatma, the Sanskrit word for “the great-souled one.” He began his activism in South Africa in the early 1900s, and in the years after World War I, became the prominent figure in India’s struggle for independence. Well-known for his …
Facts about JFK assassination
11 Jul

23 Accurate Facts About The JFK Assassination

When we think about John F Kennedy (JFK) it’s only fair to start with one of his famous quotes: “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try”. Fifty six years after his assassination people still remember him as a gifted orator, a peacemaker, a fighter for social justice who inspired hope.  He remains one of …
Marketing 1
9 Jul

12 Useful Facts About Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing can be a challenging undertaking for businesses. The internet is constantly changing, and staying up to date with the latest trends within the market is necessary to keep your business growing and developing. Marketing strategies have to address digital channels. Things like content and blogs, SEO, video, and social media are direct pathways …
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13 Apr

15 Interesting Facts About The Falklands War

Although now four decades ago, the Falklands War remains one of the most shocking and most polarising conflicts of the modern age. Arising as a result of ownership disputes between Argentina and the United Kingdom, the conflict took place as one of the key moments during Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s tenure in charge of Great …
two friends taking a selfie for social media
31 Mar

21 Viral Facts About Social Media

Can you remember a time before social media? Whether you can or can’t, one thing’s for sure, social media has changed the way we live, communicate, and promote our businesses! To control the power of social media, we need to understand what makes it tick. Here are 21 fun facts about social media that’ll boost …
facts about marketing
30 Mar

23 Massive Facts About Marketing

Isn’t marketing fascinating! Advertising isn’t actually that new a phenomenon, so it transpires – but the ways in which we market to one another has certainly evolved over the decades. We’ve put together some amazing facts and figures about marketing and advertising from all over the world – and it really is astounding to learn …
facts about Martin Luther King
12 Mar

10 Interesting Facts About Martin Luther King Jr

Martin Luther King Jr is an enduring figure not only in American society, but worldwide.  At a time of intense and unjust racial segregation in the US, King Jr was a figurehead for black civil rights.  His empowering ‘I Have a Dream’ speech is regarded by millions as a tipping point for US society to …