On this day fun facts

Double Eagle II
17 Aug

On This Day – August 17th

If you ask anyone what’s so special about August 17th, very few of us would actually have an answer. And, how wrong we would all be! August 17th is one of the most important dates of the year, and we have all of the reasons why below. Congratulations if you’re celebrating a birthday or anniversary …
Norwuz celebration or Parsi New Year
16 Aug

On This Day – August 16th

As we’re nearing the end of summer in the upper hemisphere, the last thing you are going to want to do is look at the calendar. However, that can be a real shame as you might miss out on some of the most important dates of the year! Take August 16th, for example – below, …
New York Yellow Taxi Cab
15 Aug

On This Day – August 15th

We have officially made it midway through August. For some of us, that means our vacations are about to begin, while for others it generally means that they’re coming to a close. However, August 15th is about far more than taking time away – as you’re about to see, there have been plenty of historical …
fun facts about lizards
14 Aug

On This Day – August 14th

No one really likes counting down the dates during summer (as it is right now in the northern hemisphere), but you should take the time today to think about August 14th! Whether or not it’s an important day for you personally, there are more than a few reasons why this date has gone down in …
Manhattan Project Trinity
13 Aug

On This Day – August 13th

August 13th may seem just like any other summer date, but there’s more to today than meets the eye. If you’re not already celebrating a special occasion today, we’ve rounded up some of the most interesting facts and figures about August 13th that you’re going to want to keep in mind for the years to …
The Glorious Twelfth 
12 Aug

On This Day – August 12th

August 12th is a day for reflection. Take the time to look back on this date throughout history and see what makes it so special! You may also find a few international holidays that are worth celebrating, too – even if you don’t have any personal reasons to mark the occasion yourself.
Hip Hop Day
11 Aug

On This Day – August 11th

Is August 11th an important day for you? Statistically, it’s a very important day for millions of people celebrating birthdays today – but there are a few other reasons why this otherwise innocuous date is worth marking in the calendar. Below, we’ve lined up some of the most important historical events that unfolded today, as …
Hong Kong
10 Aug

On This Day – August 10th

It’s official – we’ve hit the double digits in August. That means summer is going by fast, and we need to make every day count! August 10th, as always, is yet another day where there’s lots to take into account – important ceasefires, forest fires, and independence days abound. Let’s take a close look at …
Nagasaki nuclear bombing
9 Aug

On This Day – August 9th

If August 9th doesn’t ring any particular bells for you, it really should! So many incredible things have happened on this date, and we have all of the information right here for you. Here are some of the most important things you need to know about August 9th – and congratulations, too, if you’re marking …
Digital Nomad Day
8 Aug

On This Day – August 8th

By now, we fully expect that you have lost track of the days in summer. But, this August 8th, you might want to take some time to commemorate the day! Here are some of the most important things to know about August 8th – and congratulations, of course, if today is a special day for …
USA military purple hearts
7 Aug

On This Day – August 7th

So we’ve reached the end of the first week of August. But don’t be too sad! As August 7th has proven in the past, absolutely anything could happen today – and hopefully for you, lots of great things are set to unfold. Here are some of the most incredible things about August 7th, including a …
interesting facts about Big Ben
6 Aug

On This Day – August 6th

As we’re nearing the end of the first week of August, the summer days seem to be ebbing away. You could well be celebrating already today – but if not, why not honour some important international holidays? Or you could learn more about important historical events that took place today! Why not celebrate a celebrity’s …
The Battle of Petrovaradin
5 Aug

On This Day – August 5th

August 5th is one of the most important days of the year – even if that might not seem like the case right away! Whether or not you’re already celebrating today, we have all of the milestones, famous birthdays, and fascinating historical events for you to look back on. Here are some of the most …
National Beer Day
4 Aug

On This Day – August 4th

The days of August already seem to be going by too fast! That is why it is so important to make every day count – and, if history has taught us anything, it’s that August 4th is a date when anything can happen, Don’t believe us? Check out these incredible facts about August 4th, and …
Facts about Marilyn Monroe
3 Aug

On This Day – August 3rd

August 3rd takes us deeper into the final third of the summer for those of us in the upper hemisphere, and for many, it seems like just another day. However, every day of the year holds some historical significance and some interesting facts – and if you happen to be celebrating today, here are a …
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