Mount Vesuvius fun facts

Facts about Amalfi Coast
29 Sep

11 Amazing Facts About The Amalfi Coast

Tourists from all over the world travel to Italy specifically to visit the Amalfi Coast. Although many travel to relish the wide variety of treasures the coast has to offer, few people know about its glorious history. Here’s a few fun facts about the Amalfi Coast so that the next time you visit this beautiful land, …
20 Sep

11 Profound Facts About Pompeii

The ancient Italian city of Pompeii, of course, is well known for having fallen to an ancient disaster. Specifically, the area was covered in and destroyed by a wave of ash and rocks following a volcanic eruption. Therefore, it’s likely to be a name you already recognise from history classes! However, there is still likely …
interesting facts about Mount Vesuvius
28 Apr

12 Massive Facts About Mount Vesuvius

Mount Vesuvius is world-famous for a variety of reasons.  Not only is it an active volcano that’s fairly large compared to the mainstream, it’s also been a part of the landscape for centuries, even millennia.  How much do you really know about this volcano?  Here’s 12 fun facts about Mount Vesuvius to help freshen your …