Micronesia fun facts

interesting facts about Micronesia
17 Apr

12 Magnificent Facts about Micronesia

Micronesia – tiny by name, tiny by nature? If this small archipelago nation has avoided your radar up until now, we’re here to help provide you with stacks of information for that next pub quiz. Here are some fun facts about Micronesia you’ll want to keep in mind. 1. Where is Micronesia? The Federated States …
interesting facts about Coral Reefs
2 Mar

13 Colourful Facts About Coral Reefs

If you’ve never swum deep into the oceans before, you may not have come across gorgeous coral reefs.  These natural ‘sea forests’ are hugely important to the lives of millions of aquatic life swimming in and out of their various nooks and crannies. Sadly, they are under threat now more so than ever before.  Here …