Machu Picchu fun facts

facts aout machu picchu
25 Jul

12 Monumental Facts About Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is one of the world’s most breath-taking relics still available for people to marvel at, centuries on. Rising high above Peru in the Andes Mountains, the colossal stone ruins remain the country’s most popular tourist destination. Thousands of people flock here to see the ancient wonders each year – as well as flocks …
interesting facts about UNESCO
21 Jul

13 Unbelievable Facts About UNESCO

We live in an increasing and fascinating world!  Thanks to the work of groups such as UNESCO, our rich history and heritage remains preserved for generations to come.  But what does UNESCO actually do?  As an introduction, here are some interesting facts about UNESCO: 1. Why was UNESCO founded? UNESCO’s aim is, ultimately, to promote …
interesting facts about Peru
23 May

24 Peculiar Facts About Peru

Peru is an ancient and enchanting country in South America. There’s more to Peru than mountains, coffee and llamas! Find out more and improve your chances of being crowned the next pub quiz champion with these 24 fun facts about Peru. 1. Peru has plenty of geographical company. It is bordered by Ecuador and Colombia …