Lithuania fun facts

interesting facts about the EU
23 Dec

12 Excellent Facts about the European Union

This continental body sets currency and legislation for several member states – and while it may not cater to the whole of Europe, its influence can be felt across the continent. Here are some fun facts about the European Union you’ll want to remember. 1. There’s ‘Norway’ this is true! There are several countries which …
interesting facts about Lithuania
11 May

16 Lovely Facts About Lithuania

Looking to boost your local knowledge before you embark on a new way of life or a holiday of a lifetime? Take a look at these fun facts about Lithuania! 1. Where is Lithuania, anyway? Lithuania is a beautiful country in Eastern Europe. Actually, it’s the southernmost European Baltic state, don’t you know? It is …
soldiers fighting in world war 2
20 Jan

15 Interesting Facts about WW2

Known as the Second Great War, World War II – or WW2 for short – is regarded as one of the most devastating conflicts of the past few centuries. It’s infamous for having started on the back of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party’s rise to power in Germany, their persecution and murder of Jewish …
8 Oct

26 Rare Facts About The USSR

For decades, the USSR was a behemoth force to be reckoned with in terms of global politics and warfare. Starting with the Bolshevik revolution, the rise of the Soviet Union took place across Russia and Europe’s Eastern bloc over what almost amounted to a century. During this time, some of the most shocking political events …
Map of Europe
29 Aug

15 Excellent Facts About Europe

Spanning 400 million square miles, Europe is a temperate continent in the northern hemisphere and home to 741 million people, incredible history and diverse destinations that are on many people’s bucket lists. Here are some fun facts about Europe to bring you up to speed… 1. Where does Europe get its name from? Europe was …