Liechtenstein fun facts

interesting facts about Liechtenstein
14 Nov

17 Lively Facts About Liechtenstein

Expand your knowledge of this wonderful little country and increase your chances of being crowned the next pub quiz champion by taking a look at these fun facts about Liechtenstein! 1. Where is Liechtenstein, anyway? Liechtenstein is a stunning landlocked country in Europe. It is bordered by Switzerland to the south, west and north and …
mountains 736886 1280
7 Oct

16 Amazing Facts About The Alps

If you’ve ever been mountaineering in Europe before, there is a good chance you may have come across the Alps! This huge mountain range covers a vast array of land and proves to be truly breathtaking to traverse. Here are some fun facts about the Alps that should help whet your appetite for a trek. …
Map of Europe
29 Aug

15 Excellent Facts About Europe

Spanning 400 million square miles, Europe is a temperate continent in the northern hemisphere and home to 741 million people, incredible history and diverse destinations that are on many people’s bucket lists. Here are some fun facts about Europe to bring you up to speed… 1. Where does Europe get its name from? Europe was …