Libra fun facts

Libra Zodiac Sign Facts
20 Feb

14 Little Known Facts About Libra

If you were born between September 23rd and October 22nd, you are one of the few fortunate enough to call themselves Libras! Libras are easily among the most interesting zodiac signs. They are very logical, intuitive, and just people. But, there is so much more to them! Here are some fun facts about Libras. Quick …
Andre Garnerin Parachute Descent
22 Oct

On This Day – October 22nd

October 22nd is no ordinary date. So many things have taken place today and continue to every single year! Congratulations if you’re already celebrating a birthday or anniversary – ever wondered who you share your special occasion with? Here are some of the most interesting things to have ever taken place today, along with some …
facts about the brain
21 Oct

On This Day – October 21st

Are you ready to creep further into fall? We’re deep into October now, and for anyone with birthdays yet to come this month, we’re heading closer to Scorpio season. October 21st is one of the last Libra days of the year for the Western Zodiac, and today’s also a great day to learn more about …
Facts about China
20 Oct

On This Day – October 20th

By October 20th, many of us are counting down the days to Halloween, and with good reason! But, before you let this very important date go by, here are some of the things you should know about October 20th – there are a few more reasons in this guide to celebrate if it’s already a …
galleon san felipe
19 Oct

On This Day – October 19th

While you may be dealing with your normal daily routine today, for many people around the world, October 19th is of the highest importance. Here are some of the reasons why – and if you’re already celebrating, consider these little tidbits of knowledge an extra gift to you this October 19th!
facts about menopause
18 Oct

On This Day – October 18th

What is it about October 18th that makes today so remarkable? If you’re not already celebrating a birthday or an anniversary, it might seem like just another date on the calendar – but you’d be surprised at just how important this date actually is! In this guide, we’ve rounded up some of the most important …
Thomas Edison
17 Oct

On This Day – October 17th

October 17th is more than just a day falling in the middle of the month. For Libras everywhere, it’s a really special occasion – and today, we’re going to take a look at a few more reasons why you might wish to mark it and remember it further. Take a closer look at some fantastic …
16 Oct

On This Day – October 16th

October 16th takes us even deeper into October, one of the spookiest months of the year if you’re living in the West. It’s also deep into fall for people in the upper hemisphere, meaning the nights are getting longer and colder by the day. No need to worry about weather right now – let’s take …
rural woman
15 Oct

On This Day – October 15th

So, we’ve made it to the middle of the month, and Halloween is already well underway if you’re in the West. But, we also need to remember to cherish each date this month, and not just the 31st. For example, here are some of the most interesting things to know about October 15th – we’ve …
facts about Martin Luther King
14 Oct

On This Day – October 14th

This October 14th, take time away from the goblins and ghouls and learn more about what makes this date so very special to so many people around the world! Here are some of the most interesting things to know about October 14th – and if it’s already a special day for you in any way, …
Facts about The White House
13 Oct

On This Day – October 13th

October 13th can be quite a spooky day for many of us, especially if it lands on a Friday! But before you get too freaked out, there are some pretty important facts and figures about today’s date that are well worth remembering. Whether or not today is a special day for you personally, here are …
Día de la Raza
12 Oct

On This Day – October 12th

October 12th can be a very boring work or school day for many of us, but for others, it is one of the most enjoyable days of the year! Those of us living in the upper hemisphere are likely enjoying the falling leaves and the longer nights – and if you’re already marking today with …
battle of camperdown
11 Oct

On This Day – October 11th

As Halloween approaches, it’s easy to start letting the days go by in anticipation. However, October 11th is no day to let go by! There’s so much that has taken place on this date throughout history, and we have all of the information right here. If you’re already celebrating in any way, congratulations – and …
man with bike, Uzbekistan
10 Oct

On This Day – October 10th

Did you know that October 10th is one of the most important dates of the year for many people around the world? It might not feel like a day that really leaps off the calendar unless you’re celebrating it in some way, but there are plenty of great reasons to take time and mark in …
fun facts about the Statue of Liberty
9 Oct

On This Day – October 9th

October 9th is a very important date. Even if many of us don’t celebrate it every year, to many others, it is one of the most important dates of the year! And that’s not necessarily because of birthdays or anniversaries – in fact, there are plenty of historical reasons why people remember 10/9 every year. …