Hungary fun facts

facts about River Danube
4 Mar

10 Delightful Facts About The Danube

It’s one of the longest rivers in Europe – but that’s not all that the Danube has going for it! This majestic body of water flows through several different countries, and often plays a part in many photo opportunities and tourist spots! Here are some fun facts about the Danube River that you may not …
interesting facts about the EU
23 Dec

12 Excellent Facts about the European Union

This continental body sets currency and legislation for several member states – and while it may not cater to the whole of Europe, its influence can be felt across the continent. Here are some fun facts about the European Union you’ll want to remember. 1. There’s ‘Norway’ this is true! There are several countries which …
facts about budapest
21 Sep

11 Sensational Facts about Budapest

Budapest is famed for being one of the most beautiful cities in the world! Other than being the focus of one of the most famous songs in recent times, it’s also known for having a rich culture, stunning architecture, and incredible food! But, how much do you know about this incredible city? Here are 12 …
soldiers fighting in world war 2
20 Jan

15 Interesting Facts about WW2

Known as the Second Great War, World War II – or WW2 for short – is regarded as one of the most devastating conflicts of the past few centuries. It’s infamous for having started on the back of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party’s rise to power in Germany, their persecution and murder of Jewish …
facts about WW1
12 Jan

14 Incredible Facts About WW1

It was known as the Great War and the War to End All Wars pre-1939, but the 1st World War soon became overshadowed by the tragic events that followed. With that in mind, what are the amazing facts you need to know more than 100 years on? Take a look at some incredible facts about …
interesting facts about Hungary
1 Sep

15 Happy Facts About Hungary

Do you know someone who lives in this wonderful country or are you looking to move here? Impress your friends with your wealth of local knowledge with these 15 fun facts about Hungary! 1. Where is Hungary? Hungary is a small landlocked country in Central Europe. It is bordered by Austria to the northwest, Slovakia …
Map of Europe
29 Aug

15 Excellent Facts About Europe

Spanning 400 million square miles, Europe is a temperate continent in the northern hemisphere and home to 741 million people, incredible history and diverse destinations that are on many people’s bucket lists. Here are some fun facts about Europe to bring you up to speed… 1. Where does Europe get its name from? Europe was …