Ferrari fun facts

facts about Ferrari
24 May

28 Fast Facts About Ferrari

When you think fast cars and sleek motors, you likely think of Ferrari before most other brands. The envy of motoring moguls  – Ferrari has grown to become synonymous with precision engineering all over the world. Their iconic red cars and incredible racing history are only part of what makes them so well-known – even …
interesting facts about Italy
20 Feb

18 Interesting Facts About Italy

Whether you hail from this stunning country or you’re looking to take a vacation here, brush up on your local knowledge with these 18 fun facts about Italy! 1. Italy benefits from land and sea borders Italy is a beautiful and culturally rich country in Europe. It is bordered by Switzerland and Austria to the north, …
facts on cars
28 Jan

40 Captivating Facts About Cars

We’ve come a long way from horse-drawn carriages, and it seems that automobile innovators are not slowing down. But how much do you know about the Toyota and the Rolls Royce you see on the road? And how much farther do you think we’ll go? Go full throttle with these 40 fun facts about cars. …