elements fun facts

Uranium header
25 Oct

11 Unbelievable Facts About Uranium

Highly useful but just as deadly, uranium is one of the planet’s most interesting elements. You’re probably aware of it most of all thanks to its radioactive properties – but did you know that we can use this strange element to help measure the age of our planet? Whether you’re already a science buff or …
Iron header
13 Oct

10 Impressive Facts About Iron

Iron is one of the most helpful chemical elements in this world. It has long been used in construction, technology, and it’s even got a strong place in our diets. Either way, it’s high time we all learn more about this element! Here are some fun facts about iron that might just surprise or even …
lead header
12 Oct

12 Leading Facts About Lead

When we think of lead, we tend to think of heavy materials, weaponry, and shielding materials. However, this is an extremely versatile element that’s more precious than you’d expect. Let’s take a look through some fascinating and fun facts about lead – just in case you face any science questions in your next pub quiz! …
calcium header
11 Oct

10 Cracking Facts about Calcium

Calcium plays a big part in supporting healthy teeth and bones, and in olden times, teachers used a type of calcium-based rock to write on blackboards! But what exactly is this spectacular element, and where can we find it? Here are some fun facts about calcium you’ll want to keep in mind. 1. Calcium is …
chlorine header
10 Oct

12 Charming Facts about Chlorine

Chlorine is an element that many of us have come across in our time – if you go swimming in local pools a lot, you will likely come across this strong-smelling chemical. It’s great for disinfection, but not so great on the nose – but what else is there to know about this periodic marvel? …
Copper header
9 Oct

12 Corking Facts About Copper

Copper is one of the most commonly-used metals in the world. Known for its distinctive colour, longevity, and high burning temperature, copper is popularly used to help build fireplaces, kitchens, and more. But how much do you know about this super-versatile chemical element? Here are some fun facts about copper to mull over the next …
Pure silver
5 Oct

11 Surprising Facts About Silver

Used as a currency by some of the most ancient civilizations and used in nearly all forms of electronics in the modern age, silver has been essential to humans as far back as we can remember! Whether you have any in your pocket or not, here are some fun facts about silver you should remember …
helium header
4 Oct

11 High-Flying Facts About Helium

When many of us think of helium, we tend to think of a “funny” gas used to blow up party balloons and make our friends sound like chipmunks! However, helium is a very powerful gas that shouldn’t be played with irresponsibly! Here are some fun facts about helium you’ll want to remember. 1. It is …
Nitrogen header
3 Oct

10 Nifty Facts About Nitrogen

Abundant and a vital part of all our lives, nitrogen is an element that keeps all life on Earth… well, living! Like other gases in the periodic table, nitrogen has more than a few interesting features that continue to fascinate us – even if we can’t see it!! But how much do you know about …
Magnesium header
2 Oct

13 Magical Facts about Magnesium

When we think of magnesium, many of us tend to think about nutrition and supplements – however, it’s more than just an addition to our daily intake. What is magnesium, why is it important, and where can we find it? Let’s find out with some fun facts about magnesium that might surprise you. 1. It …
Silicon light
29 Sep

11 Superb Facts about Silicon

Silicon may not be as well-known by the masses as oxygen or helium, but it is one of the most important elements on the planet. But why is this? What is silicon, and what do we use it for? You’ve probably heard of silicon chips and Silicon Valley – but here at Fact City, we …
interesting facts about oxygen
24 Sep

12 Awesome Facts About Oxygen

As far as gases go, oxygen is pretty essential! In fact, let’s cut to the chase – none of us would even be here without oxygen. It is one of the most important elements in the entire universe and one we desperately need! Yet, how much do you know about this tasteless, odourless, colourless gas? …
interesting facts about carbon
13 Jan

11 Confounding Facts about Carbon

Carbon is one of the most important elements for all living beings. It helps atoms bind together to make virtually everything… us, animals, plants, rocks, and even plastics.  Here are some fun facts about carbon to crack into! 1. Carbon is… pretty much everywhere, actually. Carbon is one of the most abundant elements in the …
Facts about Aluminium
9 Jan

10 Shiny Facts about Aluminum

For most of us, aluminum is just something we come across in the kitchen occasionally. It’s commonly used in all kinds of products we use each and every day – whether that’s wrapping food, or whether it’s part of our furniture, millions of us rely on aluminum every day. However, there’s more to this metal …
facts about atomic energy 3
3 Apr

12 Awesome Facts About Atomic Energy

Produced through nuclear reactions, atomic energy is incredibly useful – though its production can sometimes be considered a little controversial! It’s all about splitting the atom – and when you dig deep into the details, some of the stats are fascinating. Let’s take a look at some fun facts about atomic energy and its history. …