Days of the week fun facts

Crucifixion of Jesus
6 Mar

10 Sensational Facts About Sunday

Who doesn’t love a great, lazy Sunday? It’s the perfect day for staying in bed, having a huge breakfast, and enjoying time alone or with our loved ones! But did you also know that it’s a day with a lot of history and interesting facts? Here are 10 fun facts about Sundays! 1. It’s the …
facts about Wednesday
28 Mar

12 Woeful (And Wonderful) Facts About Wednesday

Wednesday might not be everyone’s favourite day of the week – in fact, it sadly gets a bit forgotten! We’re often so focused on Fridays, weekends, and getting back to work on Mondays that the midweek days can blend into one. However, Wednesday is a curious feature of the week – and one that certainly …
interesting facts about tuesdays
13 Sep

27 Top Facts About Tuesday

Is Tuesday REALLY anyone’s favourite day of the week? Bizarrely, yes. It’s considered lucky in some cultures, and unlucky in others! Tuesday happens to have the poor luck of being too far from the weekend and barely ahead of hump day, making it a bit of a non-event for many people – and a bit …
facts about thursday
3 Sep

17 Telling Facts About Thursday

Are you into rhymes? “Monday’s child is fair of face. Tuesday’s child is full of grace. Wednesday’s child is full of woe. Thursday’s child has far to go…” If you’re a Thursday’s child according to this old rhyme you’re predestined for greatness! How about David Bowie’s Thursday’s child lyrics? “Throw me tomorrow, oh oh seeing …
facts about mondays
11 Aug

28 Mind-blowing Facts About Monday

Put on your smart suit, it’s time to go to work! It’s Monday! I don’t know whether you’re a Monday person or not but let’s start with a bit of reversed psychology: not everyone hates Mondays! For every optimist out there Monday is a day for a brand new start. It’s a chance to start …
facts about saturday
19 Jul

25 Superb Facts About Saturday

Who doesn’t love a Saturday? Traditionally falling between Friday and Sunday in the modern calendar, it’s a day off work for lots of people living in the West. Therefore, it’s a day when we come together and make plans. However, many people still work on a Saturday – though it remains a day which feels …
FRIDAY spelt Friyay!
19 Apr

15 Fun Facts About Friday

Who doesn’t love a Friday? Often the end of the working week for many people, it’s that time when people can start to look forward to taking a few hours out to relax and spend time with loved ones. But what are some fun facts about Friday you might not know about? Friday is a …