Coral Reefs fun facts

3 May

12 Stunning Facts About Starfish

Starfish, or sea stars, are truly strange creatures that probably don’t get much attention from most of us up on the surface. What even are they? And what do they eat? Are they even fish, anyway? In this fact file, we break it all down for you. Here are some fun facts about starfish you’ll …
a smiling stingray
18 Jan

15 Stunning Facts About Stingreys

Stingreys – deadly or delightful? These fascinating marine animals really can pack an electric punch – but there’s more to them than just a simple sting in the tail. Here are some fun facts about stingreys that might just help you in a quiz or two… 1. They have famous family members. Stingreys are fish …
Fun fact about Tropical Fish
6 Dec

15 Top Facts About Tropical Fish

Inspired by a certain Pixar movie and fancy taking a look at some fin-tastic new additions to your home tank? It’s time to look up a few fun facts about tropical fish that might surprise you – and who knows, they may even inspire you to start a whole new aquarium! 1. We’ve been keeping …
close up of a seahorse
4 Nov

14 Sensational Facts About Seahorses

Seahorses have fascinated people for a very long time – they’re thoughts to have been drifting around the deep for almost 25 million years! Though fish, their heads resemble horses, and whilst they have no legs, they have strong fins which move fast to enable them to move and steer. You’ve probably seen a seahorse …
The Sinai Coast, Red Sea
10 Sep

13 Remarkable Facts About The Red Sea

Ever traveled to the Red Sea before?  This fascinating body of water is likely to be one of the most traveled on the planet, however, there is plenty about the sea that many people may not be aware of.  Its shoreline shares between multiple countries across the Middle East, and as such, it’s an important …
fun facts about sea turtles
1 Sep

11 Sensational Facts About Sea Turtles

Sea turtles are some of the most majestic living things to ever grace our oceans.  But how much do we actually know about these graceful creatures?  They are some of the most closely-preserved animals on the planet, and are truly fascinating in their behavior – here’s some fascinating facts about sea turtles to help clue …
Interesting facts about the Indian Ocean
9 Aug

27 Interesting Facts About The Indian Ocean

Littered with island paradises, the Indian Ocean is often at the top of many people’s holiday bucket lists.  Think you know everything you can learn about this sunny corner of the world? Read on to discover some fun facts about the Indian Ocean. 1. It’s encompassed by oceans, and is actually relatively small. Surrounded by …
fun facts about great barrier reef
11 May

11 Gripping Facts About The Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is on must-see lists for many people across the world due to its incredible corals and diverse sea-life. Before you head there, check out these fun facts about the Great Barrier Reef. 1. The Great Barrier Reef is a landmark down under. The Great Barrier Reef is located off the coast …
interesting facts about SCUBA diving
9 Mar

29 Seriously Fun Facts About Scuba Diving

Did you know that scuba diving is one of the fastest extreme sports on the rise in the world today? With over 6 million active divers in the world, SCUBA diving is one of the world’s favourite leisure activities. If you’re new to this fantastic sport or are considering trying, here are 29 fun facts …
interesting facts about Coral Reefs
2 Mar

13 Colourful Facts About Coral Reefs

If you’ve never swum deep into the oceans before, you may not have come across gorgeous coral reefs.  These natural ‘sea forests’ are hugely important to the lives of millions of aquatic life swimming in and out of their various nooks and crannies. Sadly, they are under threat now more so than ever before.  Here …