Capricorn fun facts

fun facts about December
7 Oct

36 Dazzling Facts About December

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” Sing along! December, that time of year when storefronts are festooned with holiday decorations and Christmas spirit! It’s a month of festivities, joy, and family reunions. December is also a month of one year’s closure and a time when we start preparing our New Year’s resolution list. …
image of a globe with zodiac sign constellations
26 Jan

14 Interesting Zodiac Signs Facts

There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to the stars. In Western astrology, every person has a Zodiac Sign based on the location of the Sun during your birth. And this sign wields tremendous influence over your personality and life. Here are the 14 most interesting zodiac signs facts: Interesting facts about the …