British Airways fun facts

facts about British Airways BA
26 Dec

13 Brilliant Facts About British Airways

British Airways has been one of the single biggest names in commercial airlines for as long as many people can remember. The flagship service for air travel to and from the UK, the airline continues to ferry people all over the world, having merged with numerous leading names in air transport elsewhere over the years. …
Concorde Facts
6 Apr

12 Fun Facts About Concorde

Remembered by many as the most impressive and glamorous passenger aircraft ever built, here are some fun facts about Concorde: 1. Concorde was a UK-French connection. Concorde was designed and built by British and French engineers in the 1960s. 2. It has an appropriate name. Its name was chosen as the word ‘Concord’ means ‘Agreement’ …
interesting facts about LHR London Heathrow AIrport
22 Mar

11 Fun Facts About London Heathrow Airport

Want to increase your knowledge of the UK aviation scene?  Here’s 11 fun facts about London Heathrow Airport… 1. London Heathrow Airport’s humble beginnings Heathrow started life in 1930 as a single grass runway. 2. London Heathrow Airport employs more people than you might imagine Based in West London, near Hounslow, Heathrow airport employs a staggering 76,000 people – that’s …