August fun facts

Facts about Marilyn Monroe
3 Aug

On This Day – August 3rd

August 3rd takes us deeper into the final third of the summer for those of us in the upper hemisphere, and for many, it seems like just another day. However, every day of the year holds some historical significance and some interesting facts – and if you happen to be celebrating today, here are a …
USS Indianapolis
2 Aug

On This Day – August 2nd

By August 2nd, we all tend to start focusing on everything we need to do before summer ends! After all, we are officially in its last month – so kick back, have a nice cold drink, and learn more about what makes August 2nd so special. There are plenty of historical titbits, celebrity birthdays, and …
Fine dining
1 Aug

On This Day – August 1st

As we’re entering the last month of summer, we all tend to feel a little bummed out. But now is not the time to fret! There is still an entire month to go, and August 1st deserves to be honoured for all that it is! Today’s a big day for Leos, too, so let’s break …
interesting facts about August
11 Jul

15 Fun Facts About August

Depending on where you live in the world, August can often be one of the sunnier highlights of the calendar.  It’s the eighth month of the year, and for many people, it marks the height and the end of the school holidays.  It’s also likely to be the time of year when most people go …
fun facts about summer
23 Jun

10 Superb Facts About Summer!

Along with spring, summer tends to be one of the most favoured seasons of the four. Why is this? It’s obvious! Summer is the period of the year when we’re normally supposed to get incredible levels of sunshine and warmer temperatures. In the UK, it’s also the time of year when days are longest. This …
image of a globe with zodiac sign constellations
26 Jan

14 Interesting Zodiac Signs Facts

There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to the stars. In Western astrology, every person has a Zodiac Sign based on the location of the Sun during your birth. And this sign wields tremendous influence over your personality and life. Here are the 14 most interesting zodiac signs facts: Interesting facts about the …