August fun facts

Fun Facts about the Leo Star Sign
26 Jan

15 Lively Facts About Leo Star Sign

If you were born between the dates of July 23rd and August 22nd, then you are fortunate enough to call yourself a Leo! Bold and sometimes brash, some of the quieter signs don’t always gel well with the Zodiac lions – but once you have the right people around you, you are fiercely protective of …
Facts about Virgo
8 Jan

9 Verifiable Facts about Virgos

Were you born between August 22nd and September 22nd? Then, you are a Virgo! Virgos are known for their keen focus and sense of logic, their great leading skills, and general cleverness! They’re represented in the Western zodiac as the virgin, or as a human woman. But, Virgos also have their downfalls, and finding the …
facts about Princess Diana
31 Aug

On This Day – August 31st

For many of us, August 31st can really feel like the last day of summer! However, there’s plenty to celebrate about this often overlooked day – and let’s face it, fall is a great season all on its own. In the meantime, take a look through our picks of historical facts, figures, and celebrity birthdays …
Whaleshark Facts
30 Aug

On This Day – August 30th

It’s pretty hard to believe we’re coming to the end of August and the start of September already! But, there’s still plenty of time to learn about some historical facts, celebrity birthdays, and special occasions people are celebrating all over the world. Feast your eyes on the following!
World Consumer Rights Day - March 15th
29 Aug

On This Day – August 29th

August 29th is getting us closer and closer to the end of the summer months in the upper hemisphere – but there’s no need to despair. In fact, there are plenty of great reasons why August 29th should be honoured by people worldwide! Whether it’s your birthday today or not, here are some fascinating facts …
Royal Observatory in Greenwich
28 Aug

On This Day – August 28th

Ready to learn some fascinating facts about August 28th? While it might just sound like any other day in the calendar, it means a lot to millions of people – and even if you’re not celebrating today, we have stacks of facts and reasons why you might want to mark it in your own diary …
International Lottery Day
27 Aug

On This Day – August 27th

August 27th is here already, and as we’re starting to peer into the fall, what better time is there than to take stock of some of the most important moments that have unfolded across history? We’ve got some famous birthdays and some special occasions celebrated all over the world coming up, too. Let’s get straight …
virtual reality in education
26 Aug

On This Day – August 26th

The year continues to sail by – we’re already at August 26th! Never fear, however, as we are still here to guide you through the most notable moments that have occurred on this day in the past. We’ll also let you know if you share a birthday with any famous people – spoiler alert, you …
Kiss a Ginger Day
25 Aug

On This Day – August 25th

August 25th takes us closer toward the fall, and for many of you Virgos out there, it’s likely to be a special birthday – but why else is this particular date so notable around the world? As usual, we’ve brought together tons of facts about historical events unfolding on this date going back centuries, famous …
An illustration of an old vinyl record of pop music
24 Aug

On This Day – August 24th

The final week of August approaches – but there are still a few surprises up this month’s summery sleeve. As always, we’re here to break down some of the most significant and interesting moments from August 24ths going back in time, and to share with you some intriguing international holidays.
interesting facts about Mount Vesuvius
23 Aug

On This Day – August 23rd

August 23rd isn’t just any regular day! As you will see, it is a day for celebration, commemoration, and a lot of information. You may already be celebrating a birthday today, and if that’s the case, you’ll find our celebrity birthdays section of interest! Let’s take a deep dive into August 23rd, and why it’s …
22 Aug

On This Day – August 22nd

If it’s your birthday today, or you’re marking a special anniversary, congratulations! August 22nd happens to be a pretty important day around the world for a variety of reasons, and in this guide, we’ll take you through everything you need to know. Stay tuned for some historical moments, famous birthdays, and international celebrations.
International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism
21 Aug

On This Day – August 21st

August is very slowly coming to an end, but if you’re lamenting the end of sunshine (or the chill if you’re in the southern hemisphere), there’s still plenty left to learn about this fabulous month. Below, we’ve collected a stack of facts about August 21st, and if it’s your birthday, you can also check who …
Facts about Slavery
20 Aug

On This Day – August 20th

August 20th takes us deeper into the end of the summer for those of us in the upper hemisphere – but beyond that, it’s actually a fairly notable day. Check out some of our facts about August 20th regarding historical moments, famous birthdays, and even a few occasions you may want to mark on your …
facts about Orangutan
19 Aug

On This Day – August 19th

Unless it’s your birthday or an important anniversary in your life, August 19th may seem like just another date on the calendar. As always, however, there’s something special to remember about today – and if you follow our date guides regularly, you’ll know that by now! Let’s take a look at some major historical moments, …