Aston Martin fun facts

facts about aston martin
24 Nov

9 Amazing Facts About Aston Martin

Is there any car that outclasses an Aston Martin? Even non-car enthusiasts will recognise the long-running vehicle brand as iconic for being James Bond’s choice of transportation. However, there is certainly more to this luxury motor brand than a few outings on the big screen. Aston Martins don’t just look spectacular – they are amazing …
James Bond 007 Facts
31 Mar

26 Brilliant James Bond Facts

James Bond has the honour of being the world’s most famous fictional spy. The James Bond franchise is one of the most successful the world has ever seen, having accumulated more than $7 billion in ticket sales. If you’re a fan, you’ll love these James Bond facts: 1. Bond’s journey to the big screen took …
facts on cars
28 Jan

40 Captivating Facts About Cars

We’ve come a long way from horse-drawn carriages, and it seems that automobile innovators are not slowing down. But how much do you know about the Toyota and the Rolls Royce you see on the road? And how much farther do you think we’ll go? Go full throttle with these 40 fun facts about cars. …