The Solar System

venus header
17 Oct

11 Valuable Facts About Venus

Venus is one of Earth’s neighbours in our relatively small solar system – but that doesn’t mean it’s close by! This hot planet isn’t likely to welcome human visitors just yet, but we can at least learn more about it from afar. If you’re a big fan of astronomy and want to know more about …
Two pairs of quasars in the distant Universe
21 Mar

11 Baffling Facts About Black Holes

What exactly happens in a black hole? Who knows what lies on the other side? Despite being otherworldly phenomena that we’ve known about for over 240 years, there’s still a lot we don’t know about these strange plots in space… and studies are most certainly ongoing. Therefore, the facts we do know about black holes …
20 Dec

12 Captivating Facts About Comets

Comets have fascinated humankind for centuries. While some people worshipped them, others feared them. But that was back when they held so much mystery. Today, astronomical research has stripped a lot of the intrigue surrounding comets away.
facts about Jupiter
12 Dec

15 Jubilant Facts About Jupiter

Jupiter’s a fascinating planet! It’s truly enormous, and it’s perhaps best known for its big red spot. However, how’s your knowledge on this stunning gas giant? Did you know that its magnetic field is almost unbeatable? How does Jupiter affect life on Earth? Get ready to be surprised – here are some fun facts about …
Satellite image of Mercury
1 Nov

12 Interesting Facts About The Planet Mercury

How much do you know about Mercury? The first in our solar system and surprisingly toasty, this planet has fascinated mankind for centuries! While it’s the smallest planet in our little line-up, it’s also the closest to the Sun – and while bits of Earth can get pretty warm sometimes, it’s nothing compared to the …
Fun Facts about Saturn
20 Oct

16 Spectacular Facts About Saturn

Saturn is one of the most recognizable planets in our solar system. Even if you’ve never spotted it through a telescope before, chances are you’ll know it well as ‘that one with the rings’! It’s also one of the biggest celestial bodies in our galaxy, and one of the most mysterious. Want to learn more …
facts about meteorites
9 Oct

18 Mesmerizing Facts About Meteorites

Have you ever watched a meteor shower streak across the sky at night? When a meteor enters the Earth’s atmosphere it can glow even brighter than the planet Venus! Looking for some information about these otherworldly rocks? Here’s 18 fun facts about meteorites… 1. They’re all different! Meteoroid, meteor, and meteorite have different classifications according …
Facts about the Hubble Telescope
5 Sep

30 Heavenly Facts About The Hubble Space Telescope

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is the first sophisticated optical observatory placed into orbit around Earth. It’s entirely above the atmosphere and receives images of much greater brightness, clarity, and detail than ground-based telescopes with comparable optics. Far above the clouds, light pollution, and atmospheric distortions, Hubble has a crystal-clear view of the universe. Scientists …
facts about stars
12 Aug

13 Spectacular Facts About The Stars

Whenever you look up at night sky, you’re likely to see thousands of glittering stars hanging in the dark. Stars are many light years away, meaning that we may never hope to reach them. We’ve mapped them to help understand our universe and to navigate Earth. Are you fascinated by the night sky and its …
Facts about the Solar System
10 Aug

14 Super Facts About The Solar System

Is our Solar System the centre of the universe, a few grains of sand on an entire beach, or simply the very limit of what we know about space? Take a look at these 13 fun facts about the Solar System to answer those questions… 1. There’s a fiery moon out there. Jupiter has a …
interesting facts about Mars
8 Aug

Marvellous Facts about Mars

Man hasn’t yet set foot on Mars. But we have sent dozens of probes to the planet over recent decades. We continue to study the Red Planet and explore the possibility of whether it can support life or not. In the process, we’ve made many fascinating discoveries that have multiplied our interest with Mars. Recently, …
interesting facts about NASA
5 Jun

17 Extraordinary Facts About NASA

NASA is the independent space agency of the USA government that was responsible for sending man to the moon.  Here are 18 fun facts about NASA for you to learn: 1. What does NASA stand for, anyway? NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 2. NASA wasn’t the first space agency. NASA’s predecessor was …
interesting facts about The International Space Station
27 Apr

21 Fun Facts About The International Space Station

Floating 240 miles above Earth, the International Space Station is a technological marvel – the greatest undertaking in human history – a project that only succeeded because of the cooperative efforts of over a dozen nations. Here are 21 fun facts about the International Space Station: 1. The ISS launched in the late 90s. The …
interesting facts about Earth
9 Apr

17 Excellent Facts About Planet Earth

People are right to be fascinated by the Earth – it’s our home and makes human existence possible! This is why scientists dedicate so much time and energy on exposing the wonders of Earth. Here’s a handful of fun facts about Earth that’ve been discovered… 1. Earth knows its place. Earth is the third planet …
interesting facts about the milky way
8 Apr

17 Magical Facts About The Milky Way

Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. You could compare it to one city in a vast network of cities. As the birthplace of humanity, home to billions of stars, there are so many mysteries surrounding our galaxy that scientists have yet to unravel. But over the centuries they have made numerous discoveries, revealing a …